Thursday, 12 May 2016

What I HATE about the gym.

There are loads of things that annoy me about the gym but I am only to try and limit this post to just 11 just because everyone sticks to just 10.

Personal Trainers:

There are some really amazing personal trainers out there but they are so hard to find.

I constantly see personal trainers being too busy texting on their phones, taking selfies,  and eating to notice dangerous technique or boost their clients effort. 

They are your employee if they are not giving you their full attention then don't give them their full hourly rate!


If anyone didn't get the memo using deodorant, soap and washing your gym gear has been a pretty widely accepted practise for a while a now, so you know jump on that band waggon.

Loud Grunting:

I will admit grunting does help push yourself more but when you make such a noise I think a pig is being penetrated by an elephant then you should probably turn it down a notch.

Have a go personal trainers:

Stick to your own workout and leave me the funk alone. Yes it's great that you  friendly but if I wanted or needed your advise I would probably consult someone in the profession.

Broken Equipment:

Yes things break and you can't expect Harry Potter to stop all that Leviosa business to fix them in an instant.
However when the same bench has being broken week on week my understanding does fade.

A messy weights room: 

If you play with it them put it back! 

I am sure that has been drilled into most people in their childhood, please remember this important life lesson when you join the gym.

Bad customer service:

I am not asking staff members to bow down and worship the ground I walk on as I pass, although maybe they should, I mean I write a blog and that makes me a big deal ;)

A polite smile, some eye, contact a hello and to deal with complaints in a professional manner is all that I ask.

A dirty gym:

A clean gym is a happy gym, I don't think there is much worse then sitting on a bench then having to sit back up again, your back damp from some other person's sweat or doing a press up and bring your face within a cm of a stranger's spit!

Yes the members should be considerate of each other but news flash they are not.

Either police your members or hire some to one to give the gym floor some TLC.


People that are just at the gym so they can up date their instagram, full make up, perfect hair and pristine gym gear that looks like it has never known the touch of sweat.

Group workouts:

Don't worry I am not going to say anything bad about you Zumba ladies or you Saturday morning spinners!

The group workouts I am on about are the 4 lads that read a Men's Health workout and are not going to spend the next hour monopolising equipment and leaving their stink everywhere.

Terrible Music:

I love Lana Del Rey as much as the next person but she doesn't exactly get me pumped!

We can't all remember our MP3s or Ipods every time but when you do you will regret it almost immediately.


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