Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Fat Shaming

I keep coming across news articles where people are being fat shamed.

 Those in the articles either lose loads of weight because they have been fat shamed or overweight people are being applauded for standing up to bullies and maintaining their unhealthy lifestyle.

So what are your supposed to do?

Bullying people into what is perceived to be a healthy size when you are more likely to be causing self harm and eating disorders?

 Or leave them to their own devices and let them increase their likelihood of developing heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnoea etc 

If I am honest if you don't know that person it is really any of your business, besides the increased resources it takes to fuel an over weight persons lifestyle but I feel that is too big of a picture for this post,
 you are not fat shaming out of kindness.

If you care for someone with a weight issue then you need to be supportive, ask if they will go to the gym with you, commit to healthier eating together, you could do some do something as simple of starting to go for evening walks.

Having a food addiction or a bad relationship with food is a very difficult thing to face, you can give up smoking or boozing, you don't need those to live but you are going to have to sooner or later eat something.

The next time you see an overweight person try to think about what they might be going through or where they have been.

Maybe they were twice the size last year and worked hard to get to where they are today?

 Maybe they just like cake?

You don't know and it's not down to you to go up to them and tell them they are too fat.

 It is down to their friends, family and health care professionals to air their concerns about their health not yours.

It takes a lot to get started on your fitness journey and hopefully by reading this blog you are taking a good first step.

If you are struggling with your weight please don't be ashamed to go to the gym or to clean up your diet, it's something you should want to do for yourself and be proud that you are making the decision to improve your health and hopefully extend your life.

As the famous quote goes "Take care of your body.It's the only place you have to live."

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