Friday, 13 May 2016

What are Antioxidants?

Every faddy super food is apparently jammed packed full of them and you get told they are good for you but what are antioxidants?

You have cells in your body and sometimes they go wild and become free radicals.
Free radicals are bad news, they go around damaging other cells and can potentially lead to cancer.

But never fear antioxidants are here!
Hip hip hoorah!
Antioxidants destroy free radicals.

Vitamins like A, C and E are  antioxidants and vitamins but that doesn't mean that all vitamins qualify for this dual status.

You can get antioxidants from the food you eat with some the of best being most berries, dark leafy vegetables,  fish, potatoes and nuts.

Green and white tea are notorious for being full of antioxidants and partly why smoothies are so popular.

Check out Dundedin Tea and pick up a charming Manatea to defuse your leaves.

When out shopping think of a rainbow food, different colours give you different antioxidants, beige is not in the rainbow so chips, pasties and pies do not count you cheeky scamp.


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