Monday, 16 May 2016

Body Power Expo 2016

I have been wanting to hit the Body Power Expo in Birmingham for a few years now and finally bit the bullet and made the 200 round trip journey and it didn't disappoint!

A ticket costs you around £30 for a standard day pass but you need to factor in travel, £12 for parking and the food there is quite expensive although you shop around to find something to meet your budget and dietary requirements.

The Body Power Expo is the biggest in Europe and attracts fitness professions and body builders from all over the world so don't worry about having to acquire a taste for the very regal sounding Brummie accent.

You can meet big names in the fitness industry like Steve Cook and even reality TV stars like Rogan O'Connor who is a body builder in his own right, and they were more than happy to have pictures taken.

 I was a bit too shy though so I didn't get any, but I will next time! 

I did find the Expo quite over whelming, not only am I seeing people who are my "fitspiration" in the flesh and seeing that they are genuinely nice people but also the sheer size of the event, the amount of things to look at, try and the amount of people there.

Customer service varied greatly from company to company with the guys at Quest NutritionMuscle Mousse and the many vegan and ethical retailers that were there, which I will revisit in the future.

I am not going to name and shame the companies that didn't really shine for me, it's a 3 day expo and I went on the Sunday so I will cut them some slack but when Rogan is out partying the night before and is still such a funking delight you can all sink some pre work out samples and rock this mother!

There are samples everywhere and surprisingly there were loads that were gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian and vegan so you are bound to be able to give something ago.

There are also competitions everywhere and a lot of companies give out free merchandise, hats, tee shirts, pre workout and protein. Maxi gave me a 2.5kg bag of whey protein to get my chops on!

My favourite purchase has to be my Jazz Apples, they are the crunchiest and most delicious apples I have ever tasted.

Body Power also hold there own physique competition and I managed to catch some of the ladies strutting their stuff, it was interesting to see to say the least.

Cap and Tee Shirt haul.
Being on my last day of going gluten free I was worried about what I would be able to eat, luckily I came to Heck, they said they stocked gluten free bread but they had sold out, disaster!

To make up for it they gave me more meat for my salad which I wasn't going to argue with.

There are loads of talks from experts, interviews with fitness models and athletes from across the globe, strength competitions, fights and demonstrations.

There is so much going on it's impossible to describe the magnitude of the experience.

To say the least I will be back again, hopefully in better condition so I don't feel so morbidly obese next to all of the super ripped guys and girls.

If you get the chance to go then take it, you won't regret it.


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