Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Jogging at Golden Acre Park

Out jogging again, this time at Golden Acre Park in Horsforth.

This is perfect park is perfect for beginners.
The park is the fairly small at just over half and acre compared to Roundhay's 700!

Golden Acre Park gives you one clear route to jog  around through the trees, past Paul's pond and the ducks that live there.

There are a lot of benches around the pond so if you need a rest you can have a sit down and if you have brought some healthy treats with you and don't mind sharing then you can feed the ducks!

 Do not feed the ducks bread, it can harm their health and uneaten beard attracts rats and can pollute the water, apparently defrosted peas are good choice.
The route is flat and for the most park dry and toilets near the cafe which are free to use.

Golden Acre Park can get busy and there isn't the room on the pathways to accommodate a lot of people, if need room to stretch your legs then opt for Roundhay or Burley Park.

Whether you are just starting out or a seasoned veteran Golden Acre Park is still a lovely park to walk round so if you get the chance to stop and smell the roses then you certainly should.


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