Saturday, 7 May 2016

Muscle Mousse Ice Cream

The sun is here and apparently  it's here to stay for the next 3 months!

Since I am still going gluten free I brought out my trusty Muscle Mousse that I was sent to do some bakes with.
 Yes I know ice cream isn't technically baking but I haven't seen any one make ice cream from muscle mousse so thought I would give it them a whirl.

The closest thing I have seen to muscle mousse ice cream was when I  wrote a post on muscle hot, chilled and frozen.


Half a 397g can of sweetened condensed milk.
 600ml of double cream.
2 scoops of Chocolate Muscle Mousse.

If you want to check out the original recipe then please click here.


Pour everything into a bowl and whisk until stiff, then scrape the mixture into a container that you are happy to put in the freezer and leave over night.

That's it, job done!

The ice cream is quite tough to get out, I used my my sharpest knife to cut it up.

A good tip it is to wrap the mix into cling film before putting it into your container so you can lift out your block of ice cream and cut it a lot easier.
I had to leave the ice cream a few minutes to soften enough to eat it but I have to say it was worth the wait!

I would compare the texture to that of Whey Hey Protein Ice cream but a lot taster, in my opinion.

Give it a go yourself, it's a cheaper a lot cheaper than buying Whey Hey                                                     in the same quantities.


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