Friday, 13 May 2016

Fats in foods

I have written a post on fats before but I thought I would write another.

We have two types of  Unsaturated fat, mono and polyunsaturated which are thought of as the good fats.

We also have Saturated fats, makes sense so far.

Then we have Trans Fats, think of them as that weird uncle who is a touch too creepy but insists on turning up to every family event.

Monounsaturated Fats:

The two best known sources of this fat is from avocado and olive oil.

Polyunsaturated Fats:

The most wide known polyunstaturated fat is Omega 3, which can be found in fish like sardines and salmon.

Saturated Fats:

They tend to be in the most delicious of foods such as dairy and meat.

Trans Fats:

These fats are man made and have no business being in your body.
Like that creepy Uncle at the Christmas gathering your body finds it incredibly hard to remove trans fats completely.

Heavily processed foods like microwavable meals tend to have these be on the look out, they may also go under the name hydrogenated fats the sneaky basts!

If you are trying to shed some extra timber from that long winter that reducing fat in your diet is one of the best ways to do it.

1g of fat is worth more than double the calories of 1g of carbohydrates or 1g of protein.
This is one of the reasons a vegan lifestyle can help keep you lean.

I hope this has been helpful.

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