But seriously apples will help you prevent a wide range of illnesses.
A medium apple contains around 14% of you vitamin C.
Around 5% of your potassium
17% of your dietary fibre, which will help you feel fuller which
5% of your vitamin B6.
There is also studies that suggest that apples have anti cancer, anti depression and anti inflammatory properties.
Apples also contain the same antioxidants as green tea ( catechin ) which has been shown to improve brain and muscle function, this means that apples will help help protect you from Alzheimer's disease in the same way green tea does.
They also have the same antioxidants found in coffee ( chlorgentic acid ) which has been shown to lower blood sugar and aid weight loss.
Lower cholesterol which reduces the risk of heart disease.
Apples help clean your teeth, this is not a replacement from frequent brushing/ flossing and you should also be aware that too many apples can weaken the enamel of your teeth.
Help with constipation.
Apples apparently give you as much energy as coffee in a morning, I am on the fence about this one but if anyone has had any experience of this let me know.
Remember to get the full benefit from your apples then you need to eat the skin.
As far as I can tell green apples have a more nutrients
than red but to be honest I would say eat which ever you prefer the taste of.
If you ever get chance to try a Jazz Apple then take it, they are possibly the most delicious apples in the world, I tried them at the Body Expo this year and wish I had signed up to monthly deliveries of them!
Apples also contain the same antioxidants as green tea ( catechin ) which has been shown to improve brain and muscle function, this means that apples will help help protect you from Alzheimer's disease in the same way green tea does.
They also have the same antioxidants found in coffee ( chlorgentic acid ) which has been shown to lower blood sugar and aid weight loss.
Lower cholesterol which reduces the risk of heart disease.
Apples help clean your teeth, this is not a replacement from frequent brushing/ flossing and you should also be aware that too many apples can weaken the enamel of your teeth.
Help with constipation.
Apples apparently give you as much energy as coffee in a morning, I am on the fence about this one but if anyone has had any experience of this let me know.

As far as I can tell green apples have a more nutrients
than red but to be honest I would say eat which ever you prefer the taste of.
If you ever get chance to try a Jazz Apple then take it, they are possibly the most delicious apples in the world, I tried them at the Body Expo this year and wish I had signed up to monthly deliveries of them!
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