Monday, 6 June 2016

Mophagy Cricket Powder

I was approached on Twitter by Mophagy, a company that sell edible insect products to review their cricket powder to cook with.

I was really excited to try it out as I have already reviewed Crobars and am all about insect protein right now, in fact if anyone know any insect restaurants or cafes near Leeds then let me and I will check them out!

If cricket powder doesn't tickle your fancy then don't fret too soon, you can pick up while roasted crickets or meal worms or their flour versions.

So a nutrient comparison I am going to use the body builders favourite, chicken breast!

100g of skinless chicken breast is  lower in calories than 100g of crickets, this is due to skinless chicken breast being virtually fat free. Skinless chicken breast has about 80kcal per 100g compared to 126kcal in 100g of crickets.

The fat in crickets are mono and polyunsaturated fats which are thought of as good fats.

Protein wise skinless chicken breast more protein with 17g of protein per 100g compared to crickets 13g per 100g.

But don't count crickets out, because you are eating the whole of the cricket it means you are getting all of 9 essential proteins your body needs.

Crickets have 3g of fibre compared to chickens 0g, in your face chicken!

Cricket powder absolutely destroys chicken in it's vitamin and mineral content.

   21% of your RDA of iron compared to a measly 2% in you boring chicken.
14% of your RDA of calcium compared with 1% in your dry chicken breast.

A whopping 55% of your RDA of potassium compared with 2% in your poor old chicken.

And if that wasn't enough for you cricket powder also contains 2.81g of omega 3 and 6.28g omega 6  where as chicken doesn't even make it out of the milligrams!

Crickets are also full of B vitamins including B12 and zinc.

If you are up for trying crickets for yourself then just be aware that if you have a shellfish allergy there is a chance you may have an allergy to crickets, I imagine this is due to you eating the exoskeleton of the cricket along with everything else.

Aside from the amazing nutrient content of crickets it is worth pointing out that farming crickets is much more environmentally friendly then farming bigger livestock, not only do you not need to cut down as many trees to make room to grass cattle etc but they don't produce as much C02 either.

Invest in Mophagy is also investing in the future of orphans in Democratic Republic of Congo, giving them the skills and support to create a sustainable source of income and food security in a country where 1 in 7 die before the age of 5.

Don't be squeamish at the thought of eating crickets, if all the hasbeens on I'm a Celebrity can stomach them then I am sure you can too.


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