Monday, 6 June 2016

Why should you go dairy free?

For my latest 2 week challenge I am going dairy free, but why should you give it a go in the first place?

 Loose weight. 

A lot of dairy has a lot of fat in it.
 With fat being more calorific than carbs or protein  ditching the cow juice and butter may have your scales going in the right direction.

Improve your skin.

There are links to dairy and acne saying no to some mature cheddar might give you a clearer complexion!

 Get rid of your bloating.

Apparently a lot of people are lactose intolerant, just like hedgehogs and cats!
You can have an intolerance without knowing it so keep a food diary for your dairy to see if you bloat or get extra gassy after that frothy coffee that cost you £4.

If you have tried going gluten free and still getting bloated this may be the cause.

Reduce nasal congestion.

If you suffer from nasal congestion then it may be due to dairy inflaming your nasal lining, with hay fever season upon us it might be worth ditching the cows milk for some almond, rice, soy or coconut alternatives.

May reduce your risk of certain diseases.

Giving up dairy may decrease your risk of certain cancer, particularly ovarian and prostate, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Help protect the environment.

Livestock take up a lot of room and resources to grow, not to mention the CO2 cows produce by opting out of dairy consumption you are reducing the demand for dairy and reducing the amount of animals needed to provide people with milk. This reduces the amount of land, feed and water needed to grow the animals.

You stop supporting a cruel industry.

I am not going to go on and on about how cruel the dairy industry is, it would make me very hypocritical to do so with me not being  vegan or even vegetarian however I would recommend checking out the on Bite Sized Vegan and her youtube channel.

She doesn't force the vegan message down your throat like some of the more excitable vegan youtubers do click here for her channel

I would love to say I am giving up dairy for the animals but that would be a side benefit, the main reason is to see the impact on my health and if the animals suffer less from it the it's win win in my eyes.

I'd like to say I am more noble but alas I am not.


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