Tuesday, 21 June 2016

2 Week Challenge: Going Dairy Free

For my latest 2 week challenge I decided to go dairy free so no milk or products containing milk for me!

Normally I would keep a brief food dairy as I have done with my 2 weeks challenges going veggie and going gluten free but with dairy there wasn't really anything interesting to write about and not really any interesting products to try out.

I buy Pure a dairy free sunflower spread for when I wanted  something butteresque and I bought in some milk alternatives, Alpro Soy Desserts and dairy free protein flap jacks but no where near enough products to warrant a food dairy.

Now the products I couldn't have include whey protein, cheese, milk chocolate, yogurts and ice cream so my calories were reduced, I don't tend to do low fat anything as it tends to upset me greatly.

I didn't find giving any of these things up hard at all.

I don't know whether this was because I knew many of the dairy products would be back on the menu once my 2 weeks were up or if my will power is just simply incredible incredible!

With cheese being apparently comparable to cocaine in regards to it's addictiveness I am going to bask in my 2 weeks cold turkey.

I am not really aware of any positive or negative impacts on my health other than weight loss and feeling quite cleansed and positive.

 I will say that once I had finished my 2 weeks I treated myself to that Northern delicacy the mighty Parmo and felt sick for the next 24 hours.

 Maybe too much too soon for my body to readjust to.

I did also get a bit of stick.
People telling they can't see the point in even attempting to give up dairy, a chorus of "but cheese though"

If you are interested in giving up dairy then check out my post on why should you go dairy free.

Like any major change in your lifestyle you should consult your doctor before undertaking anything.

I am currently reviewing some raspberry ketones and after I have completed my review on them I will be reviewing a 2 week weight loss program.


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