Since I am not drinking cow's milk for my 2 weeks of going dairy free I gave some other milks a try.
Alpro make loads of different milks from plant sources so there is bound to be one that you'll enjoy.
I have tried Almond, Hazlenut, Rice, Coconut and Soy milks and I'll give my brief thoughts on each one.
Very similar to skimmed milk with a very subtle almond taste, if you are expecting this milk to taste like marzipan you will be disappointed.
Almond milk has next to no protein in it, if this is a concern for you then I would look else where.
Almond milk has next to no protein in it, if this is a concern for you then I would look else where.
Thicker than the other milks I have tried but not as thick as full fat cows milk. It has a very distinct taste.
If you like nut flavoured protein shakes you will probably enjoy this milk.
Hazelnut milk ties with Almond milk for 3rd lowest protein on my list.
I really enjoyed rice milk which really surprised me!
I would say rice milk tastes the closest to cows milk than any of the milks I have tried and would be my top pick followed by hazelnut.
The lowest amount of protein of the milks that I have tried along with Oat milk.
I would say rice milk tastes the closest to cows milk than any of the milks I have tried and would be my top pick followed by hazelnut.
The lowest amount of protein of the milks that I have tried along with Oat milk.
I was expecting coconut milk to be thicker but it was a lot like skimmed milk and a lot like coconut water it is an acquired taste but I did feel really refreshed after drinking it.
Higher in fat than most milk alternatives but still lower than full fat milk and has even less protein than almond milk!
Soy Milk:

I do not like soy milk at all. I have a few friends that rave about the stuff and I had high hopes but did not find it enjoyable at all. It seemed to have a slight bitter after taste not unlike natural yogurt.
Soy milk has about the same amount of protein as cow's milk with lower fat and will help reduce your cholesterol.
If you are wondering whether or not soy is good for you or not then please click here to read my post on it.

If you imagine sieving the liquid out of porridge then you have the taste of oat milk.
It may have the joint lowest protein than the other milks in this post but it also has a good amount of fibre, calcium, vitamin D, B2, B12 and a dash of vitamin A

I have only come across Cashew milk in one shop in Leeds and it was by far the most expensive milk that I have found.
I found it to be quite waterey but with a better nutty taste than almond milk and quite a lot more protein but less than half the amount of coconut milk.
The best thing about Cashew milk is that has a fair of amount of vitamin E, again more than Almond milk.

I did feel a bit naughty picking up some Hemp milk but I did check and hemp milk does not contain the ingredient that gets you stoned like marijuana.
If you thought you were going to be having a chilled out evening after downing a carton of hemp milk you are in for a disappointment.
I really enjoyed the taste of hemp milk, it was surprisingly nutty and sweet.
Hemp milk seems to be a miracle milk with it having Omega 3 and 6, all of the essential amino acids, 2g of protein per 100ml, good source of iron, calicium, vitamins A, D, E, B12, B9, B2, Magnisium and Zinc.
Although hemp milk does contain a lot of Omega 3 it is not the kind the kind you find in fish but still has benefits for your heart and artery health.
Sadly all of these milks are more expensive than cow's milk but you are buying into something that is better for your health and not contributing to the harm of animals in the dairy industry, plus the more people buy these alternatives the lower the prices will become.
For the benefits of going dairy free then check out my post by clicking here.
For the benefits of going dairy free then check out my post by clicking here.
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