Sunday, 12 June 2016


I was kindly sent some Muscletronic to review and with all the claims it makes I couldn't turn it down.

You can't throw yourself into using Muscletronic, you need to build yourself up for the first 5 days, taking them only in the morning with breakfast on non workout days and about 45 minutes before your main workout on workout days.

Once your first 5 days are over you can then you can up the dose to twice a day, taking it with your breakfast and lunch on non workout days and with your breakfast and 45 minutes before your workout on workout days.

As with any supplement make sure you are suitable before taking anything so pregnant women, children under the age of 18 and anyone on any sort of medication or with persistent health issues should consult their doctor before taking anything.

You should also cycle any workout supplements or pre workouts with Muscletronic recommending 12- 16 weeks on and 1.5 - 2 weeks off.

Mucletronic says it will increase your strength and energy flow, improve cognitive function, focus and drive, build quality, lean muscle, increase fat burning, elevate your mood and reduce stress, expand your physical capabilities and it's suitable for all fitness levels.

And breathe!

Since there's quite of but of information there I am going to take each point and tell you my thoughts and experience using Muscletronic for 4 weeks.

Strength and energy flow:

I normally take Caffeine Pro for when I need a bit of extra sparkle in my day and did find Muscletronic milder.

 Muscletronic has 50mg less caffeine per serving than Caffeine Pro and is packed full of juicy B vitamins which help   my body convert protein, carbs and fat into energy, giving me a much a cleaner buzz.

I did also feel like my workouts were super charged, seriously I almost flew off of the rower into the poor dear behind me! 

Improved cognitive function, focus and drive:

At the time I wasn't really aware of any improvement in this area but since coming off Muscletronic I did notice a decline in my productivity.

Build quality lean muscle:

I have let the gym slip again, blogging was taking up a lot of my spare time, it is sometimes like having another job in it's self, plus the title of my blog Bone Idol Fitness doesn't really give anyone the illusion that I spend my life in the gym, that and my progress pictures!

However I have noticed more muscle growth, not massively but that's because I haven't been putting the time into my own body like I should of been.

Increase Fat Burning;
Photogenic as ever.

I am not sure my fat burning rate has increased or not.

I can drop fat quickly and fairly easily when I put my mind to it thanks to my ectomorphic body type but I am sure with the caffeine, increased B vitamin levels, the Alpha Lipoic Acid helping prevent fat being stored in the first place and Forskolin Extract reducing the amount of fat your cells can hold I am sure Muscletronic will have had a positive effect on my fat levels.

Elevate mood and reduce stress:

My mood has been pretty consistent since taking Muscletronic, not that I have wild mood swings or anything like that but I have been in a good mood most of the time.

My life isn't really that stressful, although I have been in a couple of stressful situations I have managed to keep it together and not remove the heads of those around me. whether this is due to Muscletronic or a sign of my budding maturity remains to be seen.

I definitely feel that Muscletronic delivers, I felt much more energetic and my gym sessions become more intense and productive, it's also great to see that all the ingredients are explained on their website, nothing in Muscletronic is there needlessly.

Because Muscletronic helps you make the most of the nutrients in your food it's great to stack with whey protein to further post your recovery after exercise.

The only downside I found  was that because I am quite sensitive to caffeine I couldn't handle the full dose without it affecting my sleep so I did struggle to get to sleep and get up in the morning, this a factor that may not affect you, I know loads of people that sink 5 cans of Monster a day and claim to sleep like a baby.

All in all my experience using Muscletronic has been a great one and highly recommend it.

Click here if you want to give it a go, with a money back guarantee you can't go wrong.


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