Sunday, 8 May 2016

How to start running

Getting into  running isn't as easy as you might think.
You can't just slap on some Nike Airs and away you go!

Go at your own pace:

Don't throw yourself into running, particularly if you are carrying a bit of weight. 
Build yourself up gradually, start by walking then jog then start to run.

Wear the right footwear:

Make sure your trainers give you good support and change them around the 6 month mark, if you are unsure of your trainers are up to the job then head to a running shop and they should be able to advise you on what to get, if you are on a budget then try Sport

Avoid concrete:

Try to run on soft ground, running on harder ground will increase your chance of getting the dreaded shin splints! If you are running on grass just be careful you don't slip, trip, fall or stand in dog poo!

Get a water bottle:

Hydration is so important, I have been half way down the road and had to head back to get my water bottle. I find it also impossible to have a good quality run without bringing water with me.

Plan your route:

 Are you likely to need a toilet break?
 Are you likely to get lost?
 Can you get help if heaven forbid something went wrong?
 These are all things you should consider.

Create an epic play list:

Not will the right music make you run faster for longer the prospect of having some alone time listening to all your favourite hits uninterrupted is part of the strong appeal of running in the first place.

Warm up:

Think of your body like an engine, it is much more efficient warmed up, not only will you minimise the chance of injury you will always have a better run.

Avoid solid food:

Avoid solid food an hour or so before a run, you are more likely to get a stitch if you don't!

Listening to your body:

As your body gets used to running your body will feel sore and your will be short of breath but this will gradually get better as your body adapts, if you are in actual pain then this needs to addressed, hopefully you will just have a stitch or shin splints.


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