Sunday, 22 May 2016

Running Music

I was was asked to write a review on a set of interval  running tracks for Running Music Download.

There are three interval tracks on offer, 3 minute, 4 minute and Pyramid Training.

Each track includes a warm up, the main session and a cool down.

Tracks would not be out of place in a night club so if you live for Saturday night then you should definitely give them a look.

The benefit of having these tracks is that you basically have a personal trainer in your ear, keeping you updated on how long your work and rest periods are.

Although the tracks are running tracks but you can also use them in kettlebell training or circuits.

With interval training you push yourself more and more the fitter you become.
It's one of the best ways to burn fat and get your body summer ready.

The tracks all last around 40 minutes so one track will give you your  entire cardio for the day if that's what you want or you could push yourself by playing the next track!

Check out the tracks for yourself on Spotify:

3 minute interval track.

4 minute interval track.

Pyramid Training

Check out my post on music and exercise.

If you are looking for some motivation to up your cardio game then these tracks will certainly do the job!


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