Saturday, 7 May 2016

Music and Exercise

Music is amazing, it can effect your mood, focus and even restore memories.
It has a massive effect on the brain and has been used to help people suffering from Alzhimer's disease.

Music also effects our cardiovascular system affecting blood pressure, heart rate and stress levels.

In the fitness realm pretty much any endurance athlete will tell you that  music with help you go faster, for longer.

Music reduces your perceived effort and pain, if you don't feel the pain as much then you can push past where you would normally stop.

 Of course you need to pick the right music,Enya or David Gray are not going to quite cut it I'm afraid.

Faster music works the best, just think of all the songs that come on the radio that give you an energy boost and suddenly you want to get drunk and go dancing!

If you are not currently listening to any music then maybe you should re think buying that I pod, if music can help make plants grow or cows produce more milk then imagine what it can do for your performance!

If you are a runner be warned, be careful when listening to music when running near traffic.
If you lose concentration or don't hear a car coming you are more likely to be hit.

The other danger is if might unwittingly start belting out Ke$ha while on the treadmill!


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