Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Green Tea

Green tea is always been raved about in the fitness world and I myself do enjoy a cup when my  friend Irene pops in! But why is it so funking good? Well hold your horses and I will get to that!

Green tea contains loads of antioxidants, the compounds that seek out cancer causing free radicals and give them a karate chop round the chops!

It also has caffeine, not as much as coffee so if you can't quite handle the buzz green tea might be a good alternative, it also has an amino acid that when combined with the caffeine can help your brain function and lower feelings of anxiety!

There are a few different takes on whether or not green tea boosts your metabolic rate but seen as it is an ingredient in every weight loss aid I have come across I am going to be a sheep and go with the flock on this one! Caffeine certainly boosts your metabolism and the other benefits of drinking green tea add tot he apply so stick the kettle on and have yourself a cup!

Green tea lowers the risk of the most common cancers in both men and women!
Male green tea drinkers lower their risk of prostate cancer by 48% and the lasses lowered their chance of breast cancer by 22%! If you don't want a finger having a root around up your bum get drinking lads!

Green tea may be able to protect our brains from the 2 most common neural degenerative  diseases suffered by humans, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

Green tea can improve your dental health and help with your stink breath.

Green tea reduces the risk of the dying from the 2 biggest killers in the world, heart disease and strokes by reducing your cholesterol.

To get the most out your green tea don't use milk because it can lower the amount of antioxdients that your lovely green has. If you can get your hands on some try some white tea which is sweeter than green tea and has even more antioxidents!

I struggle to find the time to sit and enjoy green so I have also bought the extract, I am not convinced if it's better than drinking the tea because the extract could be any of the antioxdients that green tea contains.

If you are interested in getting some I buy mine from and it's £4.99 for 120 pills, perfect if you don't have much time or if you don't like the taste of the drink.

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