Sunday, 26 April 2015

How many reps should I do?

The amount of reps that you do are decided by your goals, looking for strength go heavy and low reps, for endurance do lighter for longer!

1-5 reps is range you want to be for strength and power, now strength does not necessarily mean muscle size although you can gain some size this rep range is more to do with increase your neural pathways to help your muscles react and contract quicker.

6-7 reps is the range you want for a happy middle between an increase in muscle size and strength, heavy enough to improve your pathways and long enough to tire out your muscles just that little bit extra!

8-12 reps is all about hypertrophy, muscle size! The weight will be heavy enough to tire out your muscles but not so heavy that your technique will be destroyed along with your spine and ego! Just because someone has huge muscles does not necessarily mean they have masses of strength, so you might be surprised by their one rep maxes!

13 or more reps is the endurance range, you may get some muscles size, especially if you are new to the lifting weights and i would always say start with muscular endurance training when you are first starting out, not only is it safer but it will help your body learn to get rid of lactic acid that builds up during exercise.

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