Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Gym Jargon Buster!

Have you ever found yourself sat there stretching, with your ear phones in to give the impression that you are not eavesdropping on other gym goers conversations? No me neither....

Amongst the idle chit chat about who's got chlamydia or who's boobs are real or not you might come across words that make their conversations sound like they are coded,which is annoying because you are desperate to know whether or not Shannon has discovered her husbands affair with her brother without the moments of confusion trying to decipher their gossip loaded conversation! So with out further ado here are a list of terms and a little explanation!

Rep, short for repetition, the completion of a given exercise
Set, Sets are sets of reps e.g 2 sets 3 reps 2 minutes rest so that means I am doing 3 reps,resting for 2 minutes then doing another 3 reps.

1 rep max, the most weight you can only lift once before having a rest and trying again!

Gains,when you gain muscle size or strength ,bitches love gains!
Anabolic, where your body makes gains!
Catabolic, where your body steals your gains!
Atrophy is when you get lazy and your body goes from fit to shit!

Concentric, generally the lifting part of an exercise,the muscle shortens.
Eccentric,generally the lowering part of an exercise,the muscle lengthens, is 10% stronger than the concentric part of the exercise and causes more damage to your muscles so lower the weight carefully!
Isometric, where you contract your muscles without the muscles changing length like when doing a plank,this type of muscle action can cause a fast raise in blood pressure so get yourself checked out!

DOMS, delayed onset muscle soreness this where you can't walk straight after leg day!
Supercompensation, the time after a tough workout where your body recovers and gains strength.
Over training, when you don't have enough rest,keep training and get injured.
Muscle failure, when you can no longer finish one more rep of an exercise.

Smith machine, a machine with a barbell attached to a frame that can be moved up and down to more safely squat or lift heavy loads.
Squat rack,a bit like the smith machine but the barbell is free so you have to use more muscles to stabilise the weight when you lift.You will most likely find muscle morons doing bicep curls here.
Spotter, someone who helps you safely complete each rep.

Dumbbell, weights that are easy to hold in one hand.
Barbell, a metal bar that you can add weight plates to.
EZ-bar, a zigzag version of a barbell.
Kettlebell, looks like a metal hand bag.

Split program, where you split the days of the week into different body parts and train that particular muscle group on that day.
Chest day, the day you train chest,let's face it every day is probably chest day in your gym!
Leg day, the day you decide to skip the gym so you don't have to train legs.

If there are any terms you have come across and you would like explaining then please feel free to post below in the comments and I will see what I can do!


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