Wednesday 15 April 2015

Benefits of training outdoors!

To get me outside and increase my cardio training I have started going to the Killer Armley Steps in Leeds.
Sadly you can't see all 161 steps here and believe me they really do deserve the title Killer!
I highly recommend them to anyone in the area even if you can only manage to trot up them,just try not to throw up!

The benefits of training outside include higher levels of exercise endorphins,the hormones your body produces to lessen pain and give you a sense of euphoria just think of them as your bodies version of morphine!

You might not realise it but fresh air is good for you! It can help you feel more alert,lessen  anxiety,lower resting heart beat plus it's free! What a bobby dazzler!

Soak up vitamin D,no not what you give your girlfriend...

Vitamin D helps your body to absorb calcium, which strengthens your bones and sustains energy production,not to mention that the sunshine vitamin increases your testosterone levels!
The more skin exposed to the sun the bigger the boost,just be careful you don't burn to a crisp and keep your worm in it's hole! 

On the flip side of training when the sun is out,training when it's cold outdoors forces your body to work harder to stay warm therefore uses up more calories to ditch that extra chin you sported at Christmas dinner!


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