Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Caffeine Pro

Caffeine Pro are caffeine pills, I bought from at  £4.29 for 100 pills, with 
each pill packing a  punch of 200mg which is like downing two and half cans of red bull without the tooth decay or the calories!

I found Caffeine pro to be easy to use, take a leaf out of my ex's book and just swallow it!
   I my workouts improved, I ran faster and lifted heavier.
I took one in the morning and increased my energy for the entire day with still enough opmh to hit the town on the night!

 The only downsides I have found are the caffeine withdrawal, headaches, irritability and a bit of trouble getting to sleep but that could be down to my own caffeine sensitivity and the increased toilet breaks which you is due to caffeine being a diuretic, at least I have the energy to run there!

I have to admit I love red bull, not just it's caffeine buzz but the smell, taste, convenience and even the design of the cans. I mean a ring bull instead of ring pull is genius in my eyes however Caffeine Pro clobbers my go to vodka mixer in calories, dental bills and cost.

If I wanted to get the same amount of caffeine from red bull as I would from one of these pills I have to spend almost the cost of an entire bottle of Caffeine pro.

Like any caffeine products you should use them with care and don't take them if you are sensitive to caffeine,have heart problems,are a child or are pregnant.

Some side effects of too much caffeine are restlessness, anxiety. dizziness,upset stomach, irritability, insomnia, fast heartbeat, tremors and because caffeine is a diuretic you will go to the toilet more often! 


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