Sunday, 26 April 2015

How often should I change my workout?

One of the most amazing things about our bodies is it's ability to adapt to what we put it through, whether that is making  stronger or to compensate for an injury your body will do it's best to cope and keep on going!

It takes about 4-6 weeks for your body to adapt to a workout so you should ideally have a look at your program and see what changes you can make, it could be something as increasing the reps or weight or something a bit more creative like adding super sets, drop sets or negative training to your routine.

If you have no idea how long you have been doing your workout for it is probably safe to say you need to tweak your exercises, especially if you have stopped getting any results from your work outs.

Other reasons for changing your workout could be that your goals have changed, for instance you could of been looking to bulk up and put on size and are now looking to get ripped for the summer!

If you are bored then change your routine, if you are bored you won't want to workout so you need to take a fresh look at what you are doing and of course if you have some sort of life style change such a fast or an injury.

To be honest, listen to your body.You may find yourself changing your workout slightly every week because you are getting stronger and need to increase the your weight every week, particularly if you are new to exercise. Do not be afraid to ask a gym instructor or personal trainer to write you a program. Gym instructors shouldn't charge but a personal trainer might, but it should be a better standard, this will vary from gym to gym, my advise would be if a gym instructor is charging you for anything ask the gyms management if that is the company policy or if you are being swindled.

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