Friday 17 April 2015

What do I need to get a six pack?

Well for a 6 pack of beer you will need a valid form of id and the cash to buy it!

Rippling abs will be a little harder to get!

Everyone has abs,you might just not be able to see,or even feel them in all their glory because of all that hard work you have put in over the years to worshipping your belly with treats and cakes!
To get you abs to reveal themselves you need to reduce your body fat to below 10% and although ab exercises are important to strengthen your core they are not massive calorie burners.

To do this you need to create  a calorie deficit of 500kcal a day to lose a pound of fat a week, Google what a pound of fat actually looks like and  it's probably bigger then you thought!

To start with keep a food diary or download a food diary app,I found My Fitness pal easy to use, to give you an idea of how many calories you are consuming a day and which foods you can exchange for lower calorie alternatives.

Stress also causes you to store belly fat so if you are doing everything right but that last nugget of fat won't go then you may need to look at unwinding with a glass of water and some Dido, if you can't see your feet then you can't blame your excessive chunk all on stress! It is more likely too many Terry's chocolate oranges and not enough real ones!

In the gym do your resistance work before your cardio, do this for 2 main reasons

The first reason is that it's safer to do weight bearing exercises when you are not tried,you are more likely to hurt yourself lifting a barbell that weights the same amount of as your grandmother above your head than running on a treadmill or on a cross trainer.

The second reason is that during your weight training your body will use it's glycogen for energy so when you come to your cardio you will force your body into using that unsightly bingo wing flab as fuel!.

The best cardio to do for fat burning is HIIT .
HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training.This basically means bursts of speed followed by a little rest followed by another burst of speed.

If the most you can do is walk then there's no need to fall into to a sulk, you can walk for a bit then have a rest until you build yourself up to be able to jog and walk as your rest period and build that up until you are able to run away from your former flabby self!

With weight training make sure you are doing more than isolation exercises like bicep curls,yes I know the bitches get damp at the thought of a front row seat to your gun show but you need to be including big,compound exercises as well!

I am sure you are familiar with the ye old bench press but sadly you need to stop making excuses about why you can't train your back or legs,suck it up and get squatting and dead lifting!

You have more muscles in your lower body than your upper body and the more muscles used the more calories and the more muscles mass you have the more calories your body burns when it's at rest.
Every pound of muscle your body has burns around 6 calories a day, which may not sound a lot but like the mantra for Tesco "every little helps"!


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