Wednesday, 15 April 2015

How to do your first press up

Do a full press up!

Those words strike fear into the hearts of many.

Are you content with your lady press ups, on your knees looking like you are kissing the floor?

 We can transform you so you are demanding to know how you have to fire out rather than claiming period pains are stopping you from giving them a go, like I have tried in the past to no avail!

Let's work on building up your strength with negative/isometric training so next time someone challenges you to bust out a full press up you can give yourself a round of applause when you go one step further with 10 clap press ups.

Firstly get into a full press up position, palms flat and under your shoulders, toes pointed into the ground and brace your core!

The wider you place your hands the easier the press up becomes because you are reducing the distance between you and the ground.

To brace your core imagine you are going to be punched in the gut and squeeze your bum cheeks together like daddies about to give you a spanking.

Now lower yourself down but instead of pushing yourself straight back up, drop your knees so you are into the knee press up position and then press up and repeat.

This works because you can lower more weight than you can pick up and the strength you gain will be passed over into the press phase of the exercise so before long you will be able to do your first full press up.

Don't give up, you can do it!


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