Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Fuel Protein Porridge

I bought the golden syrup and the forest fruits flavours of the protein porridges offered by Fuel for 50p each at my local Asda, what can I say? I'm a sucker for a bargain!

There are 6 flavours in the range, including the 2 that I am reviewing, Fuel also do Honey, Nut and Raisin, Apple and Cinnamon and Chocolate.

With it's masculine design and the intense glare from the eye on the packaging it is certainly hard to ignore amongst all of the cartoon characters and creatures in the breakfast aisle.

I enjoyed the taste of both the flavours and didn't find them overly strong, I found the forest fruits flavour to be the sweeter of the two.

Only after writing this review did I look at the nutritional information and did find that the forest fruits does have 0.2g more sugar.

The consistency of the porridge was good and to my personal liking, however I didn't let the water boil for the second porridge which made the porridge thinner, still nice and and completely down to my impatience and not a comment on the product!

On the to the protein content!

60g of Quaker oats with 200ml of semi skimmed milk and 1tsp of sugar contains 14g of protein where as Fuel protein porridge only contains 11.5g in a 60g pot.

Fuel does win out on the calories though at 221kcal a pot compared to the Quaker with milk which has 338kcal, however it also has half the amount of fibre!

I would say Fuel really wins out on convenience, add some boiling water and slap the lid on for 3 minutes while you bust out some morning squats rather than tending to porridge cooked on the hob or in the microwave, perfect to have on the fly or in your travel lodge room!

I forgot to try making Fuel with milk and seeing how that turned out but I                                                                                      will do an update when I do.

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