Friday, 22 January 2016

Dundedin Tea

I was kindly sent some delicious tea by the Dundedin Tea company along with a lovely Manatea infuser and a bag for life!

I was chose 3 teas from their selection and settled on two green tea verities and one white tea.

To be honest I would of sampled their entire stock,
I love a good cuppa!

The first tea I tried was the white tea, called Silver Moonlight.

I have been meaning to try white tea for a long time, it's lesser known than green tea which is a shame because it's sweeter and has even more antioxidants!

I really enjoyed the Sliver Moonlight tea, it was mild and had no bitterness to it like the green tea I normally buy sometimes has.

Next the Apple Martini green tea! It smelt very strong, I could smell it from across the room as it brewed and was pleasantly surprised by it's subtle flavour.

The other green tea I tried was the Long Island Strawberry which tasted like actual strawberries, as opposed to strawberry flavoured like milkshakes or ice cream, again I really enjoyed it.

I am not the biggest fan of fruit teas, in fact if I was offered one for free I would turn it down, but seen as a lot of people I speak tell me they don't like the taste of green tea I opted to sample these two fruit green teas and I was really happy that I gave them a chance.

Out of the two fruit teas I enjoyed the Strawberry one more but would happily get my lips round a cup of Apple Martini again, even if it isn't alcoholic!

The website and packets are great, they give you information about levels of caffeine, antioxidants, where the tea has been grown and a description of the flavours found in the tea.

The Dunedin Tea company are a luxury brand with an affordable price, instead of buying cheap, poor quality tea in bleached tea bags you can get high quality tea leaves that smell amazing, taste amazing and induce envy into everyone that claps their eyes on Fred the Manatea!

The link between selling tea leaves and manatees is loose but I don't care, I love it!

I intend to go a green tea challenge later in the year and will be looking to Dundedin to keep me well stocked.

Give their website a look by clicking here and pick up your own  infusing Manatea and a fancy tea for yourself or better yet buy some for me!

If you are more into coffee than give my review of Twist's Protein Coffee a look.


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