Monday, 4 January 2016

My Fitness Pal App

My Fitness Pal is in it's most basic form is a food diary app, which is a great tool to record your calorie intake and help with your weight loss or weight gain goals and it's free!

Type in your current weight, your goal weight and let the app calculate your calorie intake for each day.

Well that's the easy part now the tedious part, inputting the food you eat, luckily the app has a massive library of food, including fast food joints and snack foods and if you can't find what you are looking for you can manually input the nutritious information yourself.

The more you do it the easier it gets because the app remembers what you have eaten at each day part in the frequent items section, you can even log your mum's secret recipes and see how much the crafty wench is fattening you up!

You can even log any exercise you have done which can help you "win" some calories back, this includes anything from housework to walking to barbell bench pressing!

I myself go through phases of using this app, I get a jist of what my calorie intake is, make a adjustments to my eating habits and exercise until I meet my current goals, my meal choices don't change wildly from week to week.

 Don't worry too much if you use up all of your allotted calories by 11am it's just mean you have to work harder in the gym, the decision that you need to make is how many squats is that battered Mars bar is really worth... 100, the answer's 100 squats! I will do 100 squats right now for an artery clogging battered delight right NOW!

There is also a social aspect to the app, you can link it to your contacts, email and facebook to get some group motivation on the go, or lord your results over all of your "real women" friends.

What are you waiting for? Download My Fitness Pal now and get that giant burger you had for lunch, and the chocolate brownies and the 2 litre bottle of coke...or maybe wait until tomorrow so you can look extra virtuous.

Recording your calories is a great way of losing weight and make you think more about what you are putting into your body, if your new years resolution was to join the gym and get fit and it's not quite happened yet then this might be a good step in the right direction.


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