I broke out the Chocolate Muscle Mousse that the Muscle Mousse people sent me and decided to back some flap jacks!
They are really easy to make as long as you have a good blender!
To check out the original recipe I used click here
250g of porridge oats.
125g of butter.
125g of sugar.
2 - 3 tbsp of golden syrup.
1 scoop of chocolate muscle mousse.
Toss all the the ingredients into your blender and pulse the mix, be careful not over mix so the oats don't lose their texture!
Grease a baking tin with butter, spoon the mixture in and even it all out with the back of a spoon.
Leave to cool or risk burning your tongue like I did!
I really enjoy this making these flap jacks, not only is it dead quick and easy but I also got use some kitchen hard ware!

What can I say? I am out of control when I am in the kitchen!
My flap jacks where very gooey but the oats gave them enough body to pick up easily.
Not the prettiest things I have ever baked but they taste amazing!
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