Thursday, 7 January 2016

HIIT Interval Training Timer app

Looking to shed your festive belly bulge?

Well you can't get much better than High Intensity Interval Training for maximising fat burn and minimise time spent doing it.

My preferred type of interval training is Tabata, 4 minutes in hell which will leave you burning calories for potentially days and since  I am struggling to not die when I do my training I can't check track of my activity phases and rest phases, in comes the HIIT Training Timer app!

The HIIT Interval Training Timer app is free, with the occasional advert cropping up but nothing too intrusive.

You can select from not 1 not 2 not 3 but 4 different alarms!

A buzzer that makes you want to head to the nearest raid shelter, a whistle that harks back to those good old school days, a gong and a man who will congratulate you on your completed workout.

The interval timer also has 3 programs saved, a 10 minute interval, a fat loss interval and Tabata training with the option to save your own interval creation as well.

The only negatives I can I say about this app is about the adverts, yes I know I can pay to have them removed and the app developers need to able to pay the bills but I am a cheap skate at heart and begrudge paying for anything if I don't have to so I will just put up with the ads.

The other point that is more of an issue is that I struggle to hear the alarm on my app when I am a busy gym, with the infectious hits of ke$ha blaring out!

This may be because the speakers on my phone aren't powerful enough, I guess we will never know!
I could use my head phones but they annoy me when I am busting out my Tabata kettlebell swings.

This app is great if you are timing a friend but not so great if you are training solo, unless you don't mind wearing head phones. It's a free app though so I should really keep quiet, I definitely got more than what I paid for. Get on the app store and give a go and feel the burn!

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