The local vegetarians had told me great things about Quorn Bacon, or Fake-on as I have affectionately dubbed it, so I was again looking forward to trying it.
The Fake-on looked quite appetising on the box, sadly the reality was something that resembled the insole of an old shoe with an added smokey taste.

Now the Fake- on was by no mean vomit inducing but the texture was exactly what you would expect from it's appearance, like chomping on the inside of your mother's comfortable shoes.
The taste is vaguely baconesque and if you have never tried the pork version you could probably convince yourself that it tastes authentic.
On the plus side the Fake-on is less than half the calories than actual bacon but about a third of the protein.
A final message to those vegetarians that spoke so highly of the Fake-on.
I will find you and I will make you eat a full packet!
I will find you and I will make you eat a full packet!
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