Tuesday, 26 April 2016

The importance of Leg Day!

We have all seen the memes littering the Internet but do an excellent job of increases awareness of muscle south of your pecs and abs!

You look more attractive :

First off balance in your body is more appealing to the eye and if that isn't enough to convince you all the polls and surveys I have seen on the body parts that people find the sexiest the booty is always on the top of the list!

Improves fat loss:

There are more muscles on the lower part of your body and that means when you work your lower body you are going to burn more calories! That and your body uses more calories to maintain muscle mass then fat when you start packing on some size you'll increase your resting metabolic rate.

Boosts Testosterone:

Working your muscles leads to a testosterone boost, the more muscles worked the bigger the boost!
If you are planning a full body workout always start with your lower body.

Reduce injury:

Working your lower body helps prevent injury by promoting stability, for example your glutes help prevent lower back injuries when hanging by stopping your body from twisting.

You will run fatter:

It makes sense, if you are using your legs to run developing them is not going to be a bad idea.
You might think it's your quads giving you all the power but a lot of it comes from your hamstrings, glutes and hips, pop some power moves into your work out like jump squats.

You will find day to day life easier:

Whether it's helping a friend move house or climbing a the stairs  strengthening your legs will make it easier and everyone can admire your buns of steel while you live the squat life!

Improved balance:

If you have shaky foundations then your whole house will be shaky!

So now you have read this post what are you waiting for?

Go forth and squat till you drop or you can just read about my 30 Day Squat Challenge or give this simple leg circuit a whirl!


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