Friday, 22 April 2016

Boost your Testosterone!

Following on from my previous post on Testosterone I thought I best let you know about how you can boost your testosterone levels!

Vitamin D:

Vitamin D  deficiency has links to low testosterone levels, with low testosterone levels and low vitamin D levels both being linked to depression there is no wonder you feel like crap in the darker months! 

The best way to combat this is to take a supplement and getting out in the sun more.
If your are free spirited enough embark on some naked sunbathing! According to a study I came across exposing your meat and two veg to sunlight increases your vitamin D absorption by 200%! If I come across it again then I will post a link.

You can also chow down salmon, tuna, sardines, eggs, cow's milk and shrimp.


If you are deficient in zinc than you are probably low in testosterone as well.
Add beef, lamb, turkey, seeds, quinoa, beans and shrimp to your shopping lists!


Grab some quinoa, spinach and pumpkin seeds! It seems that magnesium helps improve your testosterone levels by improving sleep quality and thus decreases your cortisol levels.


The stuff you get from red wine, other than a hangover!
Resveratrol has been shown to increase blood testosterone by 50%! If you can't handle some red wine opt for balsamic vinegar, raisins, blueberries, cranberries or dark chocolate!

Get enough fat:

Getting enough testosterone levels saturated and monounstautrated fats in your diet with help maintain healthy testosterone levels.


Bromelain is an enzyme found in bananas and pineapples and will help increase your testosterone levels.


Garlic will increase your testosterone levels and speed up how fast your body synthesises protein, be careful though other than giving you smelly breath too much garlic will lower your testosterone levels!

Reduce stress:

Stress can reek havoc on your on your body, brain and testosterone levels!
The are tons of ways to lower your stress levels from exercise, giving up smoking, limit your alcohol and caffeine, sleep and eat healthy foods.

Vitamin C:

Appears to protect testosterone from harm and lowers stress levels!
You can stick to your oranges or opt for kale, broccoli, spinach or some berries!

Whey Protein:

Having a protein shake after exercise lowers your cortisol levels and encourages muscle growth and repair.

Train big muscle groups:

Training big muscle groups with give you a big testosterone boost, particularly when training your lower body, add some squats, dead lifts, pull ups and bench presses to your workout.

What to avoid:

Gluten can have a negative effect on your testosterone levels.

Foods high in estrogen like peas, soy, flax seed. tofu and sesame seeds.

Licorice can block testosterone production.

Polyunsaturated fats and trans fats lower testosterone levels.

Peppermint and Spearmint may hinder your testosterone levels.

If you would like to know more about testosterone boosting food then please click here to check the article written by Mass Gain Source.


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