Wednesday, 27 April 2016

L'oreal Paris Sublime Bronze

Sun is allegedly on it's way, although I have my doubts since it's the end of April and it's being snowing, sunshine and rain for the last couple of days!

Regardless of my fears summer will never come I decided to dip my toe back into the world of tanning!

The last night I went for a tan it was using a mystic spray tan booth which cost me £10 for one session, I bought a 150ml bottle of Loreal Paris Sublime Bronze for £8.99 so I am already onto a saving!

I did pick up a washable tanning mitt at the same time to avoid getting patchy tan hands and would recommend you do the same.

The tan is easy enough to apply, I just pumped a blob onto my mitt and away I went. I didn't need a lot to cover a decent amount of my body and there is still plenty left if I decided I want a darker tan or simply want to tan again.

I did find it hard to see where I had tanned and where I hadn't because the tan is light in colour and absorbs quickly, which is great if you are tanning just before bed.
Not so great when you miss a big area of your calf, that being said I was a self tanning virgin so hopefully I will get the better the more I do it.

The tan does have a smell to it, I would say it is comparable to sun tan lotion and it does linger on your skin, two days later if I give my arms a good sniff I can still smell the tan faintly but how many people are going to be sticking there nose a millimetre away from your newly bronzed skin?

I don't like the bottle, it's nothing to do with the shape, design or colour but the that I really struggle to read the writing on the bottle!
When light shines on the bottle you can't make the the writing, the fact the text is pretty small doesn't improve matters either.

Despite my complaints I will probably use this tan again, I will certainly finish the bottle I have and might wait until we get a good bout of hot weather so I can try and convince people that it's all natural!

I got a good response from people I know, one person even asked if I had been on holiday, I just told them no, Asda!

The tan has survived five days, several gym sessions, runs and pretty heavy rain and has only just started to look tired!
 I may have to test out how it holds up to an event like Tough Mudder, the sheer amount of mud and water was just too much for the mystic spray tan I                                                                                   got last summer.

I would say give a go, the product delivers what it promises and is cheaper than going to a salon and much safer than a sun bed!


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