Saturday, 26 December 2015

Beginner Gym Guide

The presents have been opened, the stomach stretching meal has been consumed and the mountain of washing up has been scaled now all you have to do is wait for the influx of New Year New Me facebook status updates to appear!

Generally this means new years resolution and by far the most common is to join the gym and shed that lovely winter blubber have work so hard and making, but wait, up until now you thought gym was that guy down the pub who's a little too handsy!

How to get started with the gym is harder than you most might think, for a start it takes a certain degree of confidence to put your none super model figure out on display for all those devout followers of the iron temple to gawp at.

Step 1: Go see your doctor.

Before any big changes with your body you should go see your doctor to make sure everything is ticking over nicely, particularly if you have any long term health issues.

Step 2: Find a friend!

It doesn't matter if they know what they are doing in the gym or not as long as they go regularly and will help encourage you to go and a friendly familiar face is always a comfort.

Step 3: Buy some gym gear.

You don't need to buy mega expensive clothes for the gym, you just need something you feel comfortable in. There is no point in splashing out on the latest must have compression gear when you feel like Shamu the whale every time you pour yourself into it.
Just a tee shirt, trainers and some track suit bottoms will do and the more confident you get with your body the skimpier your gym gear will become, I mean if you have got good results why not show them off a little bit! Go dark with your colours, not only will it make you look slimmer it will also find your sweat patches.

Step 4: Take a picture.

A before picture is a great tool to see your results, you will feel a difference before you see a difference.
I would say take another picture in 6 weeks time so you can see a real difference. I posted my before picture on instagram as it is not as personal to me as facebook but it's out there online and gave me more of a reason to work hard and change my body.

Step 5: If in doubt, ask!

Your in the gym now and trying to use a barbell as back massage and gaining some funny looks, now is the time to ask for some help if the gym's staff haven't already led you away for your own safety!
Most Personal Trainers will offer free taster sessions and I would say take them up on their offer, even if you have no intention of paying for sessions in the future, tell them what you are looking to achieve and let them do the thinking for you. Don't feel guilty about taking the free session, if it's good then you can tell other people about them and help drum them up some business through word of mouth.

Step 6: Have fun!

There is no point in trying to do something you hate. If running isn't your thing swim, if classes don't float your boat then get a one on one session with a PT. Find what fits for you and stick with it.


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