Sunday, 20 December 2015

Brussel Sprouts

Love them or hate them, those mini cabbage looking things are bound to make an appearance on your plate other this, the most festive of seasons!

I personally like sprouts, I just boil the funk out of them and slather on some gravy or cheese sauce and hope the gale force wind that ensues the next day doesn't blow the walls down but even if you don't like them you should get some down your gullet and here's why:

Sprouts can lower your cholesterol, you get the biggest benefit when you steam them.

Helps protect your body from certain cancers.

High in vitamin K which is used to help your blood clot, helps stop the hardening of arteries and helps to prevent certain cancers and improves bone health.

High in vitamin C.

Boosts testosterone levels.

Good source of fibre.

Can help your skin look healthier and younger.

Helps protect your eyes.

Boost your metabolism.

Help control inflammation and repair blood vessels .

Help detoxify your body.

When the dreaded sprout rears it's silly little self man up and get chomping because you'll grow up big and strong if you do!


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