Sunday, 20 December 2015

Twist Protein Coffee

I was sent some Twist Protein Coffee to review and not being being a coffee drinking I was a bit hesitant to give it a whirl but since it was kindly sent to me for free I gave it a whirl and I am really glad that I did!

I really enjoyed the smell, mild coffee taste, sweetness of the drink, the distinct lack of lumps that I normally end up with when I have protein shakes and the caffeine buzz was quick and strong.

 I found it easy and convenient to make, you just add water and shake it like a Polaroid picture! If you get stuck the instructions are on the label

I did try and the coffee hot and I enjoyed the flavour even more!

 To heat it I mixed the power with cold water in the bottle and transferred it into my favourite mug and microwaved it for 30 seconds, you have to be careful when heating it to avoid the drink from curdling.

I have not come across Twist Protein Coffee in any retail outlets as of yet but I will certainly keep my eye out for it, in the mean time you can check out there online store by clicking here

You get almost the same amount of caffeine as in a red bull without all the sugar and calories plus the added protein which makes it a drink to have pre work out.

The only negative I could say about  Twist Protein Coffee is that the bottle leaked a little when I was shaking it about like I was in a 90s style rave.

I would highly recommend Twist Protein Coffee to any coffee lovers out there and even if you aren't the biggest lover of coffee like myself, give it a whirl and broaden your horizons.

If you are not a coffee lover check out my review on Dundedin luxury teas

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