Thursday, 28 July 2016

Eggs as bad as cigarettes?

Body builders can't get enough of eggs, just ask Gaston of Beauty and the Beast fame.

 Chicken periods, technically that's  what eggs are before you gasp in horror, are revered for their muscle building potential but are they all that they are cracked up to be?

Eggs are a complete protein, which means they contain all the proteins our bodies need, which makes sense since if the egg had been fertilised it would of grown into a chicken.

They also contain vitamins B12, B5, B6, A, selenium and trace amounts of calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, vitamin E and folate, keep in mind these are all found in the yolk, the white is just protein.

Now that sounds too good to be true doesn't it?

Well it might be because  there was a study in 2012 that suggests that eating whole eggs could be as bad for you as smoking.

Now this study wasn't perfect, for starters they relied on participants to recall the amount of eggs they have eaten, easy if you have an egg religiously every day and not so easy if you are like me and infrequently eat eggs.

The way the eggs were cooked was also not taken into consideration, frying an egg isn't going to as healthy as boiling or poaching an egg.

The sample size was small and the average age of the participants was 62, you are going to need an excellent memory to estimate how many eggs you have eaten in 60 years!

This study, even with as many flaws as it worth noting having a high cholesterol diet can damage your arteries.

You can always just eat the egg whites as many people choose to do as most of the cholesterol is in the yolk.

 You can even try some Quinoa Porridge, with 100g containing a little less protein at 4g compared to 6g of protein in one large egg but is also packed full of other benefits.

 You can also get back that 2g of protein back depending on What kind of milk you use with Soy being your best bet if you want to avoid cruelty to animals and to get almost as much protein as cow's milk.

Check out my post on Quinoa and my post on Soy as it also has a bad reputation for being bad for you.

Click here to check out NHS websites page on eggs being as bad for you as cigarettes.

The egg industry, just like the dairy industry is incredibly cruel to chickens.

 I have mentioned before I am not a vegan but if you are interested in how the eggs get from the hen to your plate then check out the link here to and watch some of the Bite Sized Vegan's videos, don't worry the one I am linking isn't mega graphic.


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