Sunday, 10 July 2016

Fit Shaming

No you didn't misread the title, since I wrote a post on Fat Shaming I thought it would only be fair to write about Fit Shaming.

I am sure I am not the only one who has encountered this.

 Basically the negative reaction people give you when you want to do something "fit" and no I am not talking about that fine little thing at the other end the bar!

The other day me and a friend went off for a run but before we set off one of my neighbours asked what we were up to and once we had said we were off for a run her face turned to that of almost disgust!

When I was trying to get people get people to join me on my first Tough Mudder people would give me negative reactions like " why would you want to do that"?

Not  said with a tone of curiosity but with an air of bewilderment and again almost disgust.

Well Shannon why do you want to snort a line of coke off a bouncer's cock every Saturday night? 

I don't actually ask her, that would be rude and if that's how she wants to get her trills that's up to her.

This seems to be acceptable than if anyone says they are going to spend their Saturday night in the gym, you get looked at like you are possessed by the devil.

A Devil with rock hard abs and glutes you could crack an egg on!

The fact is that 67% of men and 57% of women in England are classed as obese, people should be exercising more.

Not only will you be more likely to live longer, healthier lives but you won't be left wondering if this is the cream cake that will cost you your vision from your self induced diabetes.

If the #Fitfam isn't for you doesn't mean that you should discourage anyone who is trying to make positive changes in their life style, consciously or subconsciously.

OK so it's not so much shaming, when you are rocking your summer body while poor flabby Shannon sits in her over sized tee shirt you are fairly going to feel ashamed.

But this negativity toward people who want to be healthier isn't helping anyone, I know loads of people that like the idea of getting fitter but lack the confidence and need a boost.

They do not need to hear "why would you want to go for a run"? 

Yes you can justify yourself by saying I want to get fitter, I want to lose my belly, I want to look like a goddess when I am naked but some people just do not have the fight or the drive and will give up.

Next time you hear someone say I am off for a run, remember coke head Shannon and wish them a good time.

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