Saturday, 30 July 2016


You might not have mush room on your plate for them but you should clear some space on your  for this fungi!

If you enjoyed that you have good taste and we can be friends.

 Now on to why you should be chomping on mushrooms.

Mushrooms exposed to UV light is a source of vitamin D, which isn't destroyed when you cook them.
Interestingly enough it seems that mushrooms are the only plant based source of naturally occurring vitamin D with about 5% of you daily amount in 100g of mushroom.

Boost you immune system.

May prevent cancer.

100g of mushroom have about 13% selenium which helps boost your immune system, reduces asthma treatment, helps maintain thyroid function, helps prevent heart disease, helps fight ageing.

As none meat sources of selenium go mushrooms are pretty high on the list, although 100g of brazil nuts contain almost 3500% of your RDA.

100 grams of mushrooms is almost a quarter of you vitamin B2 and almost 20% of your vitamin B3 with some B6 and B12 thrown in to boot.

Aids weight loss.
Due to the B vitamins in mushrooms they help your metabolism because B vitamins help you turn sugar into energy rather then turning it into a spare tyre.

Apparently there is a mushroom based diet called the M plan where you replace one meal a day with mushrooms to reduce fat in woman from their thighs, waist, bums and upper arms while keeping their bust size.

I imagine eating a meal consisting of nothing but mushrooms you would be eating fewer calories than your normal  meal choice.
 Mushrooms sate your appetite quite well so you would probably snack less as well.

The M plan would be a quick fix and I don't think many people would be able to stay on it for life in order to maintain their weight loss, but possibly a future 2 week challenge I can undertake.


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