I am sure you have seen orange, yellow, green and red peppers but going into detail about all four would be fair too much work for to do so I am going to focus on red peppers.
Red peppers are more mature than the others and destroy the others nutrient wise.
These bad boys aren't just there to give some added colour to your dish.
Peppers have anti cancer properties thanks to all of those antioxidants
Red peppers are more mature than the others and destroy the others nutrient wise.
These bad boys aren't just there to give some added colour to your dish.
Peppers have anti cancer properties thanks to all of those antioxidants
Massive amounts of vitamin C with 92g giving you 157% of you RDA which is about 1.5x the amount you would get from a green pepper.

" But why can't I just get more vitamin A into my diet?" I hear you whine.
Well you could however vitamin A in high quantities is toxic.
If your body goes to the trouble of converting beta carotene it will only take as much as it needs, unlike my gold fish that I accidentally over fed who had no self control and ate it's self to death!
Peppers do have 16% of your daily vitamin if you are in the least bit worried anyway.
16% of your vitamin B6 which, among other things, will help convert glucose into energy.
11% of your daily B12 which helps with making DNA.
10% of your vitamin E which helps stop free radicals running rampant in your body and helps you look younger.
Peppers also have a high water content which will also help make you look younger.
Smaller amounts of vitamins B1, 2 and 3.
7% of your daily fibre.
To protect the more delicate antioxidants I eat them raw, either in a salad or toss them into a chili con carne.
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