Friday, 29 July 2016


A bit of a novelty review here!
Caulirice is cauliflower trying to masquerade as rice and comes in original and pilau varieties.
I tried the original version.

It tastes exactly like a cauliflower flour head and has the same texture it's just not as fixed together as an actual cauliflower.

If you are trying to trick yourself into thinking you are you eating rice then this isn't the product to go for, although if you are wanting a low calorie plate filler then this might be right up your street.

Caulirice has almost 100 fewer calories than all the varieties of rice that I could think and almost 150 calories less than pasta.

Just like rice, caulirice is gluten free.

A 200g pouch of cauliflower cost me £1.99 where as an actual cauliflower

would of cost me 95p, I am no master chef but I think I could manage to make caulirice but you are paying for the convenience.

Caulirice will last a year where as cauliflower probably won't last a week.

If you are a thoughtful cook who picks up food with the intention of making a delicious meal but end up on JustEat instead then this is a better alternative.

If you like the taste of cauliflower then give Caulirice a go, just don't try and trick your kids with it.

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