Saturday, 26 December 2015

Beginner Gym Guide

The presents have been opened, the stomach stretching meal has been consumed and the mountain of washing up has been scaled now all you have to do is wait for the influx of New Year New Me facebook status updates to appear!

Generally this means new years resolution and by far the most common is to join the gym and shed that lovely winter blubber have work so hard and making, but wait, up until now you thought gym was that guy down the pub who's a little too handsy!

How to get started with the gym is harder than you most might think, for a start it takes a certain degree of confidence to put your none super model figure out on display for all those devout followers of the iron temple to gawp at.

Step 1: Go see your doctor.

Before any big changes with your body you should go see your doctor to make sure everything is ticking over nicely, particularly if you have any long term health issues.

Step 2: Find a friend!

It doesn't matter if they know what they are doing in the gym or not as long as they go regularly and will help encourage you to go and a friendly familiar face is always a comfort.

Step 3: Buy some gym gear.

You don't need to buy mega expensive clothes for the gym, you just need something you feel comfortable in. There is no point in splashing out on the latest must have compression gear when you feel like Shamu the whale every time you pour yourself into it.
Just a tee shirt, trainers and some track suit bottoms will do and the more confident you get with your body the skimpier your gym gear will become, I mean if you have got good results why not show them off a little bit! Go dark with your colours, not only will it make you look slimmer it will also find your sweat patches.

Step 4: Take a picture.

A before picture is a great tool to see your results, you will feel a difference before you see a difference.
I would say take another picture in 6 weeks time so you can see a real difference. I posted my before picture on instagram as it is not as personal to me as facebook but it's out there online and gave me more of a reason to work hard and change my body.

Step 5: If in doubt, ask!

Your in the gym now and trying to use a barbell as back massage and gaining some funny looks, now is the time to ask for some help if the gym's staff haven't already led you away for your own safety!
Most Personal Trainers will offer free taster sessions and I would say take them up on their offer, even if you have no intention of paying for sessions in the future, tell them what you are looking to achieve and let them do the thinking for you. Don't feel guilty about taking the free session, if it's good then you can tell other people about them and help drum them up some business through word of mouth.

Step 6: Have fun!

There is no point in trying to do something you hate. If running isn't your thing swim, if classes don't float your boat then get a one on one session with a PT. Find what fits for you and stick with it.


Thursday, 24 December 2015

Christmas Fitness Game!

I am sure you will rush downstairs tomorrow morning, eager as a beaver ready to savage the lovely wrapped presents under your pine or plastic tree if you can't deal with the needles like me!

But we all know some gifts are just a bit predictable so in order for you to get a head start on those Christmas calories here's a game for you to play.

Squats for socks:

I love getting new socks but let's face it they are a Christmas cliche and for that you go to squat.

5 Squats for every pair guys!

Burpees for selection boxes:

Half panic buying half stocking filling desperation, you have to earn these treats and what more of an enjoyable way than a good old fashioned Burpee?

1 Burpee for every chocolate bar in the selection box

Make a stink for Lynx :

This is a bit more of a blanket one, if you get some sort of deodorant/ shower gel set then you better work up a sweat!

10 press ups per set


Everything alcoholic that gets opened means you could probably do with some self reflection before downing it  all come New Years Eve and ruining some lives!

Plank for 30 seconds.

Tin of Chocolates:

If you unwrap a tin or box of chocolates then you are in trouble!

2 Burpees followed by 5 Squats followed by 2 Press ups

Thanks to my loved ones kindness I have to blast out 7 burpees, 5 squats, 12 press ups and a 1 minute plank!

If you feel this is too easy or too hard for you than give it a tweak and if you plan on playing again next year getting planning your gifts now!

I would like to say Merry Christmas to you all and thank you for checking out my blog and sharing it, I do this in my spare time as a hobby and it's great to see so many people have taken an interest.

Have a cracking Christmas!


Monday, 21 December 2015

Muscle Mousse: Hot, Chilled and Frozen

You might not have noticed if you haven't been following my recipe page, that I was sent a pouch of Muscle  Mousse to review and highlight as an ingredient to be used in baking.

To add to this I am writing this post to tell you about Chocolate Muscle on it's own with the twist of reviewing it hot, frozen and chilled

First the hot, seen as I am waiting for the Mousse to chill and freeze!

I made a cup of Muscle Mousse hot chocolate, first with water which didn't exactly get rave reviews.

Then I made it with milk which tasted a lot like Horlics but it make it really enjoyable I added some Jordon's Skinny Syrup, I would avoid using boiling water to avoid the drink from curdling so instead microwave it for about 2 minutes. I have written a review on Jordon's if you fancy a gander!

Not bad for a product not being sold as a hot drink!

Next we have Muscle Mousse as the muscle mousse gods intended chilled, like Bob Marley on a warm summer evening.

 The muscle mousse instructs you to make it with water, I feel that this is a trap that must be avoided!
I much prefer it when it's made from milk. The flavour isn't really strong but nice enough.

I know it's cold outside but that doesn't stop ice cream sales being consistent all year round so in the freezer the muscle mousse went, plus Frozen stuff is in this year so if you have a little Elsa about you can serve her up some protein gains!

 I didn't bother trying it with water see I wasn't a fan of my make shift hot chocolate or chilled mousse when I made it water.

 I quite liked the frozen muscle mousse, more so than the chilled version and feel like I have discovered a frozen protein dessert that is cheaper and just as enjoyable as  Whey Hey protein ice cream.

I wish I could of written a more enthusiastic post but I think my sugar addiction may of affected my ability to properly enjoy Muscle Mousse.

 Great to bake with though! The only chocolate in my brownies came from the Muscle Mousse and everyone I gave them too enjoyed them.

Hopefully this post hasn't put you off trying Muscle Mousse for yourself, if you have been good you could always ask Santa for a bag for Christmas and if you've been bad you will just have to buy it yourself!


Jordon's Skinny Syrup

When I was out and about doing my Christmas shopping I spied with my little eye Jordon's Skinny Syrup for coffees in my local TK Max in Leeds for £3.99.

 Jordon's Skinny Syrup makes it clear on the label that is has zero calories and sugar free, perfect for anyone with a diabetic coffee lover in the family!

You don't need to use a lot, a tea spoon is all you need to flavour for medium strength coffee so you may need to experiment if you like your coffee as strong Thor!

I managed to find a website that sells Jordon's Skinny Syrup so if you are not local to Leeds and need this this syrup in your life, it is more expensive but you have the luxury of it getting delivered right to
your door so click the link below:


How to avoid the supermarket snack trap!

I am sure I am not the only one who walks into the supermarket with truly virtuous intentions and ends up walking out with a bag for life full of sin!

Now how can you find the inner strength to avoid all your favourite snacks and snackettes that line the shelves with their seductive packaging and unbelievable special offers, why buy only one when you can buy three and get an extra one free? They are almost paying you to indulge, those unscrupulous bastards!

The answer is make a list and shop online!

Do your shopping while taking a dump instead of blasting out Candy Crush, you could even describe it as designing your next bowl movement.

Without being bombarded by all the smells, nagging children and partners while battling your primal need to devour those six jam doughnuts because you skipped lunch and now feel you may starve to death if you don't consume a thousand calories in next fifteen seconds you while surely collapse you should be able to actually stick to your shopping list.Fingers crossed anyway!

If you are worried about your shopping arriving while you are out you can always chose to click and collect, still having to go into the super market can open you up to temptation so be sure to bring your crucifix to keep those high calorie devils away.

If you are a true technophobe then just make sure you go shopping on a full stomach other wise your will power will leave you for dust but that does raise the question of how you are reading my blog without the aid of a laptop of smart phone.

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Brussel Sprouts

Love them or hate them, those mini cabbage looking things are bound to make an appearance on your plate other this, the most festive of seasons!

I personally like sprouts, I just boil the funk out of them and slather on some gravy or cheese sauce and hope the gale force wind that ensues the next day doesn't blow the walls down but even if you don't like them you should get some down your gullet and here's why:

Sprouts can lower your cholesterol, you get the biggest benefit when you steam them.

Helps protect your body from certain cancers.

High in vitamin K which is used to help your blood clot, helps stop the hardening of arteries and helps to prevent certain cancers and improves bone health.

High in vitamin C.

Boosts testosterone levels.

Good source of fibre.

Can help your skin look healthier and younger.

Helps protect your eyes.

Boost your metabolism.

Help control inflammation and repair blood vessels .

Help detoxify your body.

When the dreaded sprout rears it's silly little self man up and get chomping because you'll grow up big and strong if you do!


Muscle Mousse Brownies

On it with the Muscle Mousse baking again!

I got this recipe from all uk, check out the link below because there are some parts of the recipe that I didn't follow because I am fast becoming a bad man in the kitchen!


2 scoops of Chocolate Muscle Mousse.
115g of butter.
225g of sugar
2 eggs
170g of plain flour
100g of chocolate chips


Pre heat the oven to 180 C / gas mark 4

Cream butter and sugar together in a bowl then stir in your Muscle Mousse.

Break eggs in a separate bowl and beat them with a fork then add to your butter/sugar/mousse mixture then stir in flour and add your chocolate chips. When you're happy pour the mix into your baking tin.

Bake for 20 - 25 minutes then leave it to cool.

I decided to go all out and do some icing, I did did try to make some but the attempt was ruining my life so I just bought some then made my friend Irene pipe them.


Twist Protein Coffee

I was sent some Twist Protein Coffee to review and not being being a coffee drinking I was a bit hesitant to give it a whirl but since it was kindly sent to me for free I gave it a whirl and I am really glad that I did!

I really enjoyed the smell, mild coffee taste, sweetness of the drink, the distinct lack of lumps that I normally end up with when I have protein shakes and the caffeine buzz was quick and strong.

 I found it easy and convenient to make, you just add water and shake it like a Polaroid picture! If you get stuck the instructions are on the label

I did try and the coffee hot and I enjoyed the flavour even more!

 To heat it I mixed the power with cold water in the bottle and transferred it into my favourite mug and microwaved it for 30 seconds, you have to be careful when heating it to avoid the drink from curdling.

I have not come across Twist Protein Coffee in any retail outlets as of yet but I will certainly keep my eye out for it, in the mean time you can check out there online store by clicking here

You get almost the same amount of caffeine as in a red bull without all the sugar and calories plus the added protein which makes it a drink to have pre work out.

The only negative I could say about  Twist Protein Coffee is that the bottle leaked a little when I was shaking it about like I was in a 90s style rave.

I would highly recommend Twist Protein Coffee to any coffee lovers out there and even if you aren't the biggest lover of coffee like myself, give it a whirl and broaden your horizons.

If you are not a coffee lover check out my review on Dundedin luxury teas

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Muscle Mousse Cookies

I had a practise run at making some cookies for when Saint Nicolas pours himself down my chimney and thought to myself "What does good Santa need while lugging about his giant sack and flitting from roof top to roof top?"

The answer being protein! So I busted out the Muscle Mousse and tossed in a scoop.
I got the recipe from, click the link below if you want to check out their other recipes:


112g of butter
55g of sugar
112g plain white flour
1 scoop of chocolate Muscle Mousse
100g of chocolate chips


 Pre heat your oven to 180ºc  ( 160ºc for a fan assisted oven or gas mark 4)

 Cream together butter and sugar

Sieve in Muscle Mousse and flour into your sugar and butter mix

Separate out the mix into equal sized balls and put them on a baking tray with grease proof paper or tinfoil.

 Flatten out your balls with the back of a spoon, if you don't space them far enough apart then they will spread out and fuse together, this is what happened to mine but I just used a cutter to make individual cookies because I  am a culinary genius!

Press in your chocolate chips or fruit and nuts if you are that way inclined! 

Cook them for around 10 minutes then leave to cool for 15 minutes.

My cookies didn't turn out gooey they were crunchy and much better with a nice glass of milk. I did try and find a lovely festive cookie cutter but the pound shop let me down so I gave up.


Monday, 14 December 2015

Chargrilled Vests

When I first started going to the the gym I really struggled with my confidence, it's still not great now but thanks to sticking to it I gradually built myself up.

 So to make me feel better about people potentially laughing at for not being able to lift anything heavier than an empty bar when bench pressing I decided to invest in some absolutely hilarious vests so that if people did happen to stop and stare at me I could convince myself they were looking at my brilliant vest and not my lack of upper body strength, where to acquire such fantastic garments they must be wondering!

Well wonder no more! I stumbled upon where they have loads of cool and funny designs and slogans. 

I bought my Spartan vest for £15.95 with free delivery, it's a bit more pricey than what I would normally pay for a vest but anything that will make me feel more comfortable around the muscle bound men of the free weights area is worth spending more on. 

The other 3 vests I bought were £25.52 which I used a voucher for that was sent with my first vest, Chargrilled regularly have deals and discounts on so if you are feeling the pinch money wise but still want to look dapper then keep an eye out or sign up to their mailing list.

The vests are 100% cotton and haven't faded in colour or printed even though I wear and wash them often.
Size wise I would go bigger than what you would normally wear, the first vest I bought is a medium which is a bit tight on me where the other 3 are large fit much better.

Perfect if you are struggling to find a gift this Christmas, and what better than clothes that will inspire you to join the new year new me January gym goers so check out the link:

Give these guys a look, remember you don't need a pretty face, the body of a god or even a personality when your tee shirt is busting out one liners packed with sass and humour!

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Santa Dash

Since it's that time of year I though I would give back and take on the 5k Santa Dash around Leeds city centre, it cost £10 plus a donation of your choice to St Gemma's Hospice who support people with terminal illnesses and their families.There are Santa Dash's all over the England and hold 3 across the pond in America with the biggest being in Vegas.

If you fancy spreading some festive cheer and donning a Santa suit check out the website and see if there is an event local to you

Registration at the event was painless, I just gave my name and was a handed my Santa suit, which included trousers, a jacket, belt, hat and of course fluffy white beard!

Sadly the suits are supposed to be one size fits all but I think they were designed for the actual St Nicholas because it drowned me!

When I run it again next year I will bring my own belt as the one in the pack was next to useless in keeping the giant pants up or the jacket closed and when I tied the trousers I ripped them, guess I don't know my own strength!

If you sign up to a Santa Dash please understand that it is a fun run so if you have a strong competitive streak then you may find yourself frustrated being caught behind older folks and adorable baby Santa's.

There was a warm up but it wasn't great, we were stood at the back and couldn't hear what was going on and had to rely on copying the Mexican wave of Santa's bouncing about and dishing out Can Canesque leg kicks. I will try and donate a mega phone for next year, the poor cow shouting put the front was simply not loud enough to be heard.

The course was a loop of the pedestrian area of the Leeds city centre so you don't need to worry about getting mown down by some festive fool in a Ford escort as you try not to choke on the fluff from your faux beard!

All in all a good day that everyone of all abilities can enjoy and take part in, plus you get to keep what ever survived of your Santa suit!
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