Thursday, 12 July 2018

My year of gym excuses

I went back to the gym, not necessarily shocking since this is supposed to be mainly a health and fitness blog but hey ho I clever blog name should really tell you that my fitness game isn't as strong as I would like it to be.

How have since I last went I hear you demand!

Well I am going to tell you, keep your Fitletics on!

The last time I went to the gym November and I had not been for awhile since before that and there a couple of reasons to why I fell out of fitspiration lifestyle which I believe can effect anyone so are worth me talking about on here, I have managed to throw on my amazing "Do you even leviosa" vest from  Chargrilled over my 13st bulk.

Work/ Life Balance 

If you believe that I am happily blogging full time, despite my infrequent posts, and making any sort of money from my blog then let you me tell you my humble reader I am yet to make a penny although I am looking to change that I move to a self hosted site but more about at the time.

I was and have been doing shift work and not a simple mix of shifts but going 4am starts to a 3pm start the next day then a day off and back onto a 6am start then back onto an evening shift.

Due to this upheaval and the physical nature of my work the last thing on my mind was strapping on my trainers and hitting the gym, going for a run or a even a home workout, especially  with the prospect of dealing muscle soreness while all ready being exhausted from the lack of quality sleep.

Toxic Relationships

Urgh, I am not going into too much detail here as I wouldn't say it was particularly fair but I will say I invested a lot of time and energy at the expense of my wants and needs. 

This is not wholly the other parties fault but they were pretty demanding and all consuming in regards to emotional support and time.

Living Situation 

The last place I was living turned into an absolute nightmare, one housemate would run up and down the stairs clapping, singing and even went and bought an air horn preventing me sleeping, remember the crazy shifts I was doing?

This housemate and one of the others would stand outside my room bad mouthing me and generally being unpleasant, stealing or throwing my things away, telling lies to the neighbours. 

This came to a head when one of the housemates decided to throw a party and they decided it would be hilarious to try and break down my door while threatening violence against me and coming into my work place to verbally abuse me as well.

My landlady took no action but things did improve once I phoned the police enough and I moved out.

Mental Health

I have touched upon  this in briefly in the past and I am going to keep it short and sweet hear as well, I suffer in the winter moods with low mood and in all fairness it has not been a massive issue for me for years, certainly there but manageable.

However this last winter fit like a truck, I believe that everything above contributed to how far I fell but I dragged myself out, moved house, cut ties with toxic influences and made changes in my work life all while I wasn't particularly keen on being here anymore, not suicidal but very non nonchalant about the prospect of dying.

The irony is exercise can be just as effective as anti depressants but when you can barely change your clothes the gym is a step too far.

The other aspect of my mental  that has made me more coy about going to the gym is my potential to take things to excess. 

My mind can go become very fixated on different things where I will do something to the point of it effecting my health and well being.
 An example when I decided I was ready to get exercising again I opted to start walking, which I did to the point I walked and walked and walked to the point my feet where my feet were blistered but I carried on regardless.

Self Image 

In regards to my self imagine a couple of years back I was very much into the gym and health eating and I became fixated on having fewer and fewer calories to the point my weight dropped to 9.5st which is under weight for a man of my size but the real issue for me was that I knew this but I still thought I looked fat!

I am not going as far to as I was suffering from Body Dismorphia as I never went to the doctors about it and have never received a diagnosis.

I know this post is much more personal than anything I have done before but I do feel that there is some validity in the post, people have genuine reasons where they can not get themselves up and active, we just have to help and support them until they are ready.

There are  excuses for why I have been absent from the gym and blogging to be honest,  onward and upwards so I  shall see what I can make of the rest of the year.


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