Sunday, 8 July 2018

Foods to beat heat

Summer is here, hip hip hoary! You cry with glee

Well stop right there thank you every much.

If like me your landlord thought it was appropriate to put leatherette sofas in your flat you will of undoubtedly peel your hot and sticky self off them and certainly not been delighted at leaving a sweat print of your rum for all to see.

Also like me every food choice becomes an instant regret , why on earth I decided it was appropriate to have a Thai red curry and a chilli con carne on the same day is beyond me, I calling sun induced insanity.

Here is a little selection of foods to hopefully help you stay cool and hydrated! 


Speaking of cool, you can't get much cooler than a cucumber and let's throw in a some carrots while we are at it
Cucumber has a water content of 96% and while carrots are lower at 87% both are great with hummus as light and refreshing nibble  on instead of your back of air provided by Walkers.

If you are feeling fruity give Water Melon ago, if you haven't guessed by the name it has the highest water content of all fruit and apparently can act as natural Viagra if you need a little perking up in the bedroom you cheeky thing you.

If you are simply not about the water melon life other high water fruits you could try are raspberries, blueberries and the Wimbledon favourite strawberries.


 If you want something a little different try shlomping some fruit into a jug with water  to make your own fruit infused water, which is always  very instgramable and sure to impress all your friends and instafam.

Good  options to take the plunge are cucumber, water melon, orange, lemon, lime etc to be honest work with your personal tastes if it doesn't work out it's a lesson learnt.

If you are missing tea you can always slam some tea bags, I have had good experiences with fruit infused teas as well as standard green tea.

I found it best to to leave my batch overnight in the fridge.

 Cold brew coffees trendy right now so maybe give them a try, they tend to be sweeter and have more caffeine than hot coffee which might appeal to a non coffee drinker.

I did a little digging into the benefits of hot drinks on hot days and from what I can tell is that yes a hot drink will cool you down as long as the sweat your body produces can evaporate, this is the same principle behind eating hot and spicy foods.

 For me it's a no to all of that, I only really drink tea when I am cold or ill so the prospects of me opting for a hot drink makes me wince. 

Treat Yo Self

This part part might be a little heart breaking for some but here i go anyway.

Ice cream will make you warmer in the long run due to it's fat content, instead opt for ice pops, sorbet or if you are still screaming for ice cream give frozen yogurt or vegan alternatives a go for less calories and in my opinion tastes just as food as the full fat alternatives.

Freezing mousses is another cheap and low calorie option you could go for.

Alcohol wise avoid beers and change to gin, about half the calories less and you can make use of your fruit infused water.

When you drink blood comes closer to your skin making you feel much warmer but something like that is not going to stop me getting trashed.

Getting Salty

With you been as hydrated as merperson we can't leave this post without talking about salt, when you pee you lose salt and this is not good.

Your body does need a certain amount of salt to function properly, ever done the potato, water and salt experiment in school, well it's pretty much the same.

Your cells take in water by using salt to go where it is needed, most people do not have to worry about this as most food has salt added to it, how ever if you are exercising it might be worth packing an isotonic or hypertonic sports drink to replenish the salts you have sweat out.

If your diet is completely  virtuous  it might be worth looking at adding some soup or adding some sea salt to your daily chicken!

I hope this post has been helpful and I will try and get posting more frequent and may even get back on track to becoming a youtube star again, 3 subscribers and counting!


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