I was trotting though my local Asda and came across a mysterious product, covered in an even more mysterious language.
It was labelled simply as Lindahis Kvarg Drink and had some coloured silhouettes of some active looking people and at only a pound a bottle I thought it might be worth my time and energy.
With two flavours on offer I went wild and grabbed one of each, Himbeere and Vanille ( Raspberry and Vanilla ) and Pfirsich and Passionsfrucht (Peach and Passion fruit)
I better clear up the packaging first.
On one side you have all the details about the drink Swedish.
I had to google this as my own mastery of the Swedish language is a little rusty, and on the other side you have the English translation for us numb skulls out there!
The drinks are made by Nestle and have introduced Lindahis Kvarg into the UK to meet our need for healthy option and with them being the Sweden's number one Quark product they very well could be onto a winner.

The selling point of Lindahis Kvarg is that it is a Quark based, high protein, low fat, dairy based drink that is lactose free, perfect for those that are intolerant to diary but still wanting to make some sweet, sweet gains!
Taste and texture wise it is essentially a yogurt drink.
I can't say i was blown away by either of them of them, hey if you like yogurt drinks you are going to like these , I myself like my milk shaken not churned
Protein wise they do pack quite the punch at 23g per bottle which would be like downing two and a half eggs I know which I would chose if given the choice.
There actual yogurts in the range as well but my feeble local Asda does not currently stock them so you will have to make do with these for now.
Flavour wise I would go for the Raspberry and Vanilla, neither were unpleasant just didn't tickle my pickle!
If you have love these then you may very well love Skyr yogurts so check them out and boost my view count.
With two flavours on offer I went wild and grabbed one of each, Himbeere and Vanille ( Raspberry and Vanilla ) and Pfirsich and Passionsfrucht (Peach and Passion fruit)
I better clear up the packaging first.
On one side you have all the details about the drink Swedish.
I had to google this as my own mastery of the Swedish language is a little rusty, and on the other side you have the English translation for us numb skulls out there!
The drinks are made by Nestle and have introduced Lindahis Kvarg into the UK to meet our need for healthy option and with them being the Sweden's number one Quark product they very well could be onto a winner.

The selling point of Lindahis Kvarg is that it is a Quark based, high protein, low fat, dairy based drink that is lactose free, perfect for those that are intolerant to diary but still wanting to make some sweet, sweet gains!
Taste and texture wise it is essentially a yogurt drink.
I can't say i was blown away by either of them of them, hey if you like yogurt drinks you are going to like these , I myself like my milk shaken not churned
Protein wise they do pack quite the punch at 23g per bottle which would be like downing two and a half eggs I know which I would chose if given the choice.
There actual yogurts in the range as well but my feeble local Asda does not currently stock them so you will have to make do with these for now.
Flavour wise I would go for the Raspberry and Vanilla, neither were unpleasant just didn't tickle my pickle!
If you have love these then you may very well love Skyr yogurts so check them out and boost my view count.
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