Tuesday, 15 March 2016

How to boost your energy!

I don't know about you but my energy levels have been rubbish this last two months, my greatest wish has been to quit everything and go and become a full time sloth, sadly this was not an option given to be at careers day.

On busy days I do take a Caffeine Pro pill to help become a delightful morning person, rather than a savage beast, however caffeine isn't forever so I have had a look into other ways to pick myself up!

Get outside.

 Vitamin D with help boost your energy levels and make you feel better in your self in general, the sun might not be very strong but it will still get you of that D that you have been craving!
Check out my post on the benefits of training outside

Hot to Cold showers.

Showers are great for waking you up but to make sure you are really wide awake and really to take a slice out of life after you finish your normal shower turn the temperature down low and try to endure the frigid for half a minute or so then reward yourself by taking the temperature back up then finish on cold again!
This will actually give your cardiovascular system a workout, heat opening up your capillaries and cold constricting them, making blood travel faster!

Listen to some sick beats!

Listen to some music with a fast beat, no Adele I'm afraid, think of all the songs that make you want to party and get them blasted on.


Get some high GI food down your neck for a quick boost of energy and some low GI foods for the long haul.


Certain smells can boost your energy, you don't need to carry around a bottle of your preferred fragrance you can incorporate them into your day to day life, either by using perfume/cologne, air fresher, shampoo/ body wash or even cleaning products can perk you up.
Look out for Peppermint, Lemon, Lime, Cinnamon, Rosemary and Lavender.

Tidy up!

If your house is messy and cluttered this will have an effect on your energy levels.
Time to roll up your sleeves and spring clean!


Get out to the gym and have a workout, I can't say that I have met anyone who says they don't feel energised after a good workout, even the next day when you are crippled with DOMS you wish you were back in the gym getting that energy and endorphins hit.

Drink more water!
If you are dehydrated then you will feel rubbish, check out other benefits of drinking more water on my water challenge post.

I know that some of these are harder said than done, when you feel like a sack of potatoes it's hard to shake that feeling off, try and choose some of the easier tips and see how you feel about getting back into the gym.


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