Wednesday, 3 February 2016

King Koby's Chop Shop

I started to look like a Sherk the sheep, you know the one that hide in a barn for 6 years and drown in his own fleece!

Luckily my Pink Gorrila app came to the rescue and let me know that King Koby's Chop Shop give away free hair cuts for the first four weeks of the year to new customers, add this to a free beer and cigar while you wait and this become an offer I couldn't refuse!

The shop yells from the top of it's lungs "Men at work" with it's rustic interior, leather couches, beers, cigars and laddish banter flying between the barbers as they create their master pieces I think a barbers shop inside a bar best describes it.

Basically if Ron Burgundy was a real life person this is where he would have his mane attended to.
If you don't know who Ron Burgundy is then you should stop reading and hang your head in shame and take a good hard look at your vagina.
King Koby's is found on the ground floor of the Corn Exchange, if you have never been then give it a gander it's a great looking building.

When I arrived it wasn't the best of starts, my booking had been lost some how, but in all honestly I completely forgive the guys, the place was packed and they were completely apologetic and managed to squeeze me in half an hour later.
 I was eternally grateful for because I needed needed a monster slash just as badly as I needed my mop sorting the funk out.

I am terrible when I go for my hair cut, I don't know what I am asking for, I just expect miracles to happen with little to no input from me!

The barber that was lumbered with me, Joseph did a great job and avoided the cliched shop talk like " been anyway nice recently". Generally my answer to this no, I have never been anywhere nice in my entire life!

I judge the quality of any hair cut I get by the amount of compliments I get and I received them in spades!

You can tell can see the level of skill all the barbers have just by having a look around, they clearly all love their work and there seems like a good level of camaraderie amongst the team.

Prices are more than competitive with the level of customer service provided, the ambiance, freebies and quality of the end result.

If your in Leeds be sure to check them out, if there are good enough for Mc Fly then they are certainly good enough for me.

Sadly my regular barber Abdul has lost a regular costumer!

Be sure to check out their Instagram to check out their work on guys that are slightly better looking than myself!


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