Thursday, 23 July 2015

No bake protein cheese cake

Ingredients for the base:

Light digestive biscuits 225g
Light butter 125g

Ingredients for the topping:

Light Philadelphia 270g, I am going to try Quark in the future and see how that turns out!
Flavoured Protein powder 75ml ( I used strawberry )


Sling your biscuits into a bowl or double bag them in a sandwich bag and knock the funk out of the them with a rolling pin or if you happen to Chuck Norris you can use your mighty fists of fury to pulverise them into dust! 

Next melt your butter, I just put it into the microwave for 30 seconds in a bowl and had done with it, I simply have no time to be messing around with the hob! 

Mix the butter and crushed biscuits together into a bowl, I used a fork as my whisk kept getting clogged up! 
Do this until the biscuits have fully absorbed the butter.

Next put your buttery, biscuit mulch into a cake tin and spread it all out until it covers the the bottom of the tin and is nice and even, I used a spoon to even it all out, now put the base in the fridge while you crack on with base!

Onto the topping! 

Pop your philly into a bowl, scoop in your protein powder and mix it all up! Once fully mixed in spoon your mixture onto your cooled base, smooth it out and leave it over night in the fridge to make sure it properly sets.

There you go! Job done! 

Now I know this recipe is quite calorific but it's here as an alternative to a full fat cheese cake, you are going to want a slab of cheese cake at some point so if you are going to be indulgent you can aim for the lesser of two evils! I had my friends act as guinea pigs for the taste test and they said this recipe is just as good a traditional cheese cake, although on second attempt I did use chocolate digestive biscuits, but I hunted for the lowest calorie option the shop had to offer, you may be surprised in the difference between one biscuit brand and another.


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