Monday, 15 October 2018

Voss, glass water bottle

I am sure if you have been on social media or even a bar at all recently you will of come across the damage single use plastics are damaging the planet.

Beyond this plastics may have negative impacts on your health ranging from issues with your immune system, birth defects, hormone disruption from plastic that leeches out into your bottle, especially when plastics are heated such as plastic water bottle being left in the sun.

With all this in mind I have started using a Voss glass water bottle which kills two birds with one stone in that it will help protect the oceans and also hopefully help me dodge some health conditions in the future.

I did have concerns with using a glass water bottle, particularly in a gym environment but to be honest I have not had any issues.

Yes, OK I have to be a little more careful where I place my bottle when I do throwing weights about and I have to watch I don't glass myself in my award winning face when I am on the treadmill but than that it's absolutely ideal and even fits into the bottle holders on the cardio equipment.

I also think the water tastes better in a glass bottle, which I find most drinks do and with it being glass I feel more encouraged to take better care of it and remember to take it with me.

I do think the look of the bottle is much more appealing than most plastic ones and when I have used fruit tea bags almost makes it look like the worlds oddest aquarium.
The only real downsides I would say is that you need to invest in a bottle brush if you are wanting put anything more exciting in your bottle and i did find it difficult using in for a run, partly due to the fear of a self induced glassing by trying to drink and run sprints. 

The bottles are not badly priced , you can find them on amazon if you don't want to leave the house in search of them, try clicking the here

I had a stroke of good luck and actually found one in a cupboard when I moved into my new flat so it was that much easier for me to make the switch.

I really like my Voss water bottle,  make the switch from plastic to help further protect your health and the planet while you are at it.

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