Monday, 25 September 2017

Man Tan

I have become some what of vampire this year.

Working too much or recovering from work means I didn't pull myself together and make the most of the summer sun this year.

 I decided that I needed to do something to at least give the appearance that I live a rich and fulfilling life outside and thanks to Facebook advertising I was led to Mantan!

But why Mantan, why not some risky little number from Poundland?  I hear you cry.

Well Mantan has two selling points that initially grabbed my attention.
 These being that it is specially designed for body builders and that it smells like Davidoff Cool Water!

I opted for their original tan and  a Manmit while I was at it which set me back £25.99

Mantan comes in a couple of variations, Dark, Express and Definition so it's bound to meet all of your tanning needs.

Dark is as the name suggests and is the darkness tan without you feeling the need to get on stage and start pulling your power poses.

Express is a fast tan which develops in around an hour for those last minute plans

Definition is designed for body builders and is even resistant to sweat!

I would say that ManTan is very reasonably priced for the high quality of the product, how long a bottle lasts, the ease of the mousse's application, the streak free end result and that delicious Cool Water scent.

I found the tan really easy to use and Manmit made applying the tan much easy than using an old sock and I felt that I had an a really good, even tan, this is coming from someone who very rarely uses anything like fake tan.

Then only issue I can say I had with Mantan is that my underwear did end up looking like my bum hole had leaked, thank goodness I do my own washing!

With Mantan being designed with men in mind I was curious about how it would take to women's skin, in steps my serial fake tanning neighbour!

The verdict from her was that she loved it, absolutely everything about it, especially the Cool Water fragrance, I imagine  it's so she could pretend there is a man about her house once in a while.

I would highly recommend Mantan to everyone, I can't compliment the product enough, I even love the packaging.

Sadly Mantan is only available online so if you want to get some click the link here

 I will be getting some again in the future for when my friend does his first competition so be sure to look out for that.


Friday, 22 September 2017

Aspire, healthy energy

Aspire were incredibly generousness and sent me two full crates of their entire range of healthy energy drinks to review and review them I did!

Aspire have three flavours in their range, Apple and Acai, Mango Lemonade and Cranberry, all accompanied by the subtle taste of green tea.

I personally enjoyed the Mango Lemonade the most but couldn't really get past the green tea after taste, however my neighbour went absolutely wild for the Apple and Acai flavour, to the point I thought she was going to shed a tear when she thought my supply had run out!

Needless to say Aspire have at the very least gained a new customer in her.

But what sets Aspire apart from the more main stream energy drinks like red bull or monster?

Energy wise I feel that Aspire is a much cleaner sort of buzz with no sugar crash and zero calories.

With a 250 ml of red bull containing over 100 kcals just changing to Aspire could see you start dropping some of your excess blubber in no time at all with no real effort on your part.

Aspire boasts natural ingredients such a premium green tea, guarana seed extract, L- Carnitine ,Ginger root, vitamins C and B all working together to speed up your weight loss along side other benefits to your overall health. 

I personally did not really enjoy the taste of Aspire but that doesn't mean that you won't, my neighbour is looking into booking a church to marry a multi pack of the stuff.

 I certainly can't deny  how pleasant the energy it gave me was or how low in calories each can is.

Give it a try and you might fall in love too, click the link here to check out where you can get your mitts on some of your every own.

If you are a fan of tea based drinks then check out my post on Little Miracles


Secret Scents, Men

I was very kindly sent a trial of a fragrance subscription from a company called Secret Scents.

How it work is that you pay £15 a month and get sent three different fragrances, in theory they give you enough to last you the whole month but since self restraint is not in my vocabulary I decided to douse myself in them so they latest a little less long.

4 sprays a day is recommended to make sure you get the benefit of your fragrance while keeping them going until your next box arrives,  sadly I am of the attitude that  nothing short of 10 sprays  will do!

Your Secret Scent box box is small enough to be popped straight through your letter box so you don't have to worry about ghastly Muriel across the street having to take your package in or worse having to trail all the way to the post office depot!

 Seriously though, I cross the street to avoid speaking to the old croon but somehow manage to turn on the charm once I know she has a package of mine!

Each fragrance is accompanied by a card giving you details for each of the fragrances you have received that month giving you a bit of a blurb and a break down of the notes that make up each scent.

In the box I was sent I received Tommy, by Tommy Hilfiger, M by Ted Baker and Eau De Lacoste L 12.12 Noir. 

All of them smelt amazing with Tommy turning the most heads the day I gifted my colleagues  to a light spritz  at work.

If you are like me and find the thought of trying to get a fragrance that works for you is more effort than what it's worth then you should definitely consider signing up to Secret Scents.

Once you have discovered your new signature scent you can cancel your subscription, no hassle or contracts.

I think everyone at some point has stopped dead in the street and craned their neck round to sniff out that amazing scented individual, become the person everyone wants to get a whiff of and sign up to Secret Scents!

You can get 10% off your first order, click here for their website and sign up.

If you are all about making the post person working extra hard then why not check out my review on Muscle Crate

Might make a nice chance from only getting bills slung through your door!


Skins, Compression Wear

I was very kindly sent a pair of compression leggings by Skins, a company that specialise in compression wear for both men and women.

First of all the quality is very evident when I opened them up, having owned compression wear by Under Armour and a few bargain items from Amazon I have to say that Skins out classes both in every respect

If you are wondering what all the fuss about compression wear is then click here to see my previous post on the benefits you get from wearing them.

 I would say Skins are much more comfortable as well and more aesthetic when worn.

  I did notice my legs did feel cold while wearing them, however this may must be in my head as I don't tend to wear compression wear regularly and as a precaution had my circulation checked and found there to be no issues.

 I assume the phantom coldness it's just the added sex appeal of mincing about the gym in my tighter than tight tights!

Skins certainly preform in the compression department,  it took me a few extra minutes to pour myself into them and peel myself back out, I didn't feel like I was doomed to wear them forever  like I have done when trying to get out of other brands.

Performance wise, whether it be in the gym or in da street I felt like went harder, longer and recovered quicker when wearing them., now if only I can get some designed for the boudoir!

Ok, fine I will answer the most important question that is on the tip of your lips and it's all about the la penis.

I did feel quite self conscious in that department but after looking at myself in the mirror at the gym at great length I decided that if anyone was trying to size me up they would have to go to a great deal of effort.

 And you know what? If someone wants to get a gander of what god blessed me with then I should really get over it and take it as a compliment.

Price wise Skins are not cheap, but if you want the best then you got to pay the monies!

Comparatively Skins are not going to bankrupt but they offer the best compression gear on the market in my eyes so are worth shelling out that extra £30 for, with the quality they will pay for themselves over the gears life time. 

But what is that extra money getting you, I hear you plead?!

Well I shall tell thee!

Science, you are getting a whole heap of science woven into your compression wear.

With thermal regulation,  UV protection, bio-mechanically  designed panels to reduce lactic acid build up, increase oxygenation, reduce injury, increase recovery and performance and the even has glass beads in the logo to provide safety at night.

If you would like to read more on the research that Skins put into their range then click the link and check out the long list of published researched they have under their belt click  here you big nerd!

With Skins having such a big range and compression gear not being made equally they have provided a handy comparison guide on their website to help you pick the perfect Skins, click here

I would definitely recommend Skins to anyone who is looking for that extra boost and to help them recover faster.

The only critique I could possibly give would be that I would love them to collaborate with Meggings and great some truly sensational gym wear.

If you are interested in owning some of your very own then please click here to check out their full range and add them to your Christmas wish list.

I would also like to take the chance to thank Skins for their patience in waiting for my write up and their understanding while I have had to balance health issues,  big  upheavals in my work life and even a dash of legal issues!

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